Tuesday 24 March 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Welcome to my ivory tower where I am trying to enjoy my splendid isolation. I have been reading a lot, but didn't get round to any housew**k today, it can wait. There will be time enough, I fear.... The sun is shining, and we had a wonderful sunrise again, I don't mind being woken up for such lovely sights. Nathalie, bless her, did my shopping today at Aldi. She had to wait a long time, only 5 people can enter at any given time, and many shelves were bare. Still, I am now stocked up for the next week with lots of good things, including some delicious and rather unhealthy ones which I don't normally buy, yummy!

For Tag Tuesday, Michele's challenge of bunnies and butterflies, I made a small tag using a remnant of hand marbled paper made some time back. The other bits and bobs are from my stash. I am also linking to Mia's Craftlandia challenge, pink/blue:

And I have one more piece for Eileen's 'green' challenge at AJJ. I used a painted and textured background and my digitally altered and cut out leaves:

The last shadow in the foreground is Nathalie patiently (?) waiting to get into the store:

 We had a wonderful sunrise:

And these are the last photos from my last walk outside, taken with my phone in the fields behind the house:

The lake is just round the corner here:

The sheep on the meadow:

This is a biotope, there are lots of frogs there:

Have a great day, take care and stay safe!
And thanks, as always, for coming by!

Monday 23 March 2020

T sTands for bunnies and buTTerflies

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was as good as possible under the circumstances.
We had very cold weather here, but with a lot of sunshine, and the trees are getting greener every day. I still hate being at home all day, but as there is no way around it, I have to accept it.  And I still have lots of things I could do, like dusting and tidying.....But I have spent my time reading, and am happy I have an endless supply of  books thanks to well filled shelves and Kindle. The Corona rules have been redefined again. The big message is of course, stay home and only go out when it is necessary. Walks - alone - are allowed, but not more than 2 people may be together in public, except for families. And the powers that be are controlling and will heavily fine those who still think it's fine to party or play group games/sports outside. I have to stay home, but this, too, will pass! 

At Tag Tuesday we are starting a new challenge, and this time our lovely Michele is hosting. She has chosen the springlike theme of bunnies and butterflies. As always, tags of all formats are welcome, real, hybrid or digital, and you have 2 weeks to join us. Michele has three wonderful and inspirational tags on our TT blog, and you can view them when the post goes live on Monday evening. My tag was made with elements from me and Serif. The raven on the branch is a digitally cut-out photo of the tree I can see from my window:

I am also linking to Craftlandia challenge / pink - blue

Hope to see YOU joining in!

It's also time from this evening on for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit. I hope Elizabeth will be able to post as she has lots of problems with her internet again.

The art pieces were made some time back:

 These 2 photos were from last week before the lockdown came.

The cafes are all closed now, so I have to drink my coffee here in my 'ivory tower':

This huge bar of dark chocolate was a present from a neighbour last week - and it's still in one piece:

 I have a great view from my balcony when the sun rises:

Last week I bought tulips to bring home, I love to watch them opening up, here in a space-age vase from the 1960s:

And here I have used an old but lovely vase:


And I love the metallic glaze on it:

This sign is almost hidden in the bushes by the lake:

Some neighbours' gardens:

Have a great week, take care, and stay safe and healthy.
And thanks, as always, for coming by!

Friday 20 March 2020

Early weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well and safe. I'm sitting here in my ivory tower AKA my apartment, watching what's going on outside and not really enjoying not being able to go out. That's not true, I HATE it! But, I'm trying to make the best of it. Did more cleaning in 2 days than in the last 2 decades years months. And to keep myself moving, I've been running on the spot or through my apartment and managed 14000 steps yesterday. And I did 10 kilometer on my cross-trainer, so that was good. And every time I want a cup of coffee I make myself do 10 minutes gymnastics beforehand! Strict rules are sometimes necessary!

For Tag Tuesday I have one more tag for Pinky's feminine challenge. I am still hoping to see some more people joining in, perhaps one of those ladies - I won't mention names - who's always promising but never makes it!

This time I used a cut out image of Frida Kahlo. The tag and embellishments are from Serif, the background is hand-painted.

And I have a last piece for Eileen's green challenge at AJJ. My last entry used a pic of my great grandmother, so carrying on the family theme, I have this time  used a photo of my late husband as a boy with his grandmother, who really was his great love in life. And this is such a lovely photo of them both. I have used elements from Serif and me to make it:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

The Rhine is almost back in its bed, and the water on the fields is slowly disappearing. These were taken on Tuesday, so it should be even better now:

Everything is greening up and blooming:

Have a great day,  take care and stay safe.
And thanks, as always, for coming by!