Thursday 19 December 2019

Rain's Thursday art date

Hi Everybody!

We've had 2 good days here in a row. It was cold and sunny today, wonderful walking weather, and I really enjoyed being out and walking along the Rhine and through our little town.

Today Rain's theme is holiday stories, carols and lore, so I decided to write a little story for you. Here it is!

Sarah's Dream

Sarah always likes to have a cosy reading hour each night before she goes to bed. She sits in her favourite armchair, drinks cocoa and reads a good book on her Kindle. 

One Christmas Eve as she sat there, the screen started  to get blurry and then a red spot appeared in the middle of it. The red spot grew larger and larger, and she saw a red-clothed figure there - Santa Claus! And he looked so woebegone! His eyes were red and puffy, his nose dripping and he was soaking his feet in a huge tub of steaming-hot, sudsy water.
'Can you see what a state I'm in?' an irate voice shouted. It's time to get the presents delivered and I'm sick. I've got a cold, chilblains, and my hemorrhoids are playing me up. I need help'
'I'm sorry to hear it', said Sarah, 'I wish I could help you!'
'Of course you can help me. Did you think this was a social call in the middle of the flaming night?'
'I - I- I really don't know how I can help you', Sarah stuttered.
'Well I do', said Santa, 'so just listen up! You went to a good school back in the day, and learned to be resourceful and solve problems, and now's the time to show what you can do!'
'That was a long time ago', said Sarah. 'How do you think I can help? I can't do any magic tricks.'
'But you learned to play hockey and lacrosse at school. It's well known that people who play these games can tackle all problems in life. You need to believe in yourself. Just take your stick, go onto the balcony, and wait for my sleigh to pick you up. But you need to hurry, girl!'

Sarah was just starting to say that she had no idea if she still had her old sticks from school, when she noticed them standing in front of the table. 
'Okay' she said, 'But I need to get dressed first. It's cold'
'No you don't! Hurry! Take your stick and get outside, Rudolph's coming. Don't exasperate me more or I'll burst. This is so bad for my blood pressure!'

Sarah reluctantly picked up her hockey stick and went outside. She heard a faint tickling of bells, which seemed to be coming nearer, and then Rudolph and the sleigh hove into sight. She held out the hockey stick, and he stopped in front of the balcony.
'Well get in!' he said. Do you think we've got all night? Sit down and fasten the seat belt, and we're off!'
With a mighty jerk and a rush of wind they were soon speeding off into the cold, black  night.
'I-I-I-I'm freezing' she said.
'Pull on the third carrot from the left. It activates the seat heating. The old man needs it all the time because of his piles. And STOP complaining, girl, we're nearly there' grunted Rudolph.

Seconds later the sleigh landed with a bump on the snow.

'Go on, get out! Go into the house - he's waiting and he's bad tempered' said Rudolph.
Sarah sighed and went in, still clutching her old hockey stick.

'There you are!' rasped Santa. 'It's taken you long enough! Put the clothes on and then get going. The kids are all waiting for their presents. Don't let them down, and don't let ME down', he shouted.  You're me tonight!
Sarah suddenly realised that she was already dressed as Santa, complete with a long and tickly white beard, full of bread crumbs and egg-yolk.
'Okay sir!' she said, 'I'll be off!'

She went outside where Rudolph and his team were ready and waiting for her. The sleigh was full of presents, and all were numbered consecutively. 
'We've got a new system'  shouted Rudolph. When a number lights up, you pull the second carrot on the right, and it automatically gets beamed to the recipient. We're better than Amazon, we are! We stopped the chimney deliveries years ago. Too much pollution. But people still like to believe it!'

'Can people see us while we're flying?' she asked.
'Of course not, you silly girl!' snorted Rudolph. 'Most people are so blinded by their own misconceptions and prejudices that they don't see anything. Small kids would be able to see us, but they're all tucked up in bed just now!'
While they flew through the dark sky, over snowy valleys and mountains, deserts, towns and villages, Sarah concentrated on pulling the second carrot on the right again and again to get the presents out.

At last there was only one present left. Rudolph slowed down and turned to Sarah. 'You didn't do too badly for a girl!' he said. That last present is for you. Hold it tight! It's full of dreams, and they always break very easily. Pull the first carrot on the left and you will get back home.  Bye for now and thanks for helping!'

Then Sarah felt herself falling through the cold air, down, down, down with the wind rushing in her ears, and then she landed with a soft thump. She felt around her and realised she had landed in her bed. She looked at the clock, and saw that it was 7 o'clock.
'Wow!' thought Sarah. 'It's time to get up already! What a dream I had!'
As she threw back the bed-covers she felt something strange under her hand.
It was a cold and frosty carrot.

The images in the story are all from Pexels.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And now, back to reality. I have a few seasonal views I took here and in Düsseldorf:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We had a dry day here, and it's very mild - 14°. Crazy for this time of year. The birds were happy, and busy singing all day, they probably think it's spring. I'm wondering how it's going to be in the last days of the year!

I have another tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday, a vintage and masculine one, as it is meant for a neighbour who likes taking photos. The background images are from an ancient Sear's catalogue which is slowly but surely disintegrating. The other images are from C.I:

 Isn't this sweet?

The Rhine is very full:

I went for a walk along the Rhine and through our little town just as it was getting dark. The photos are not so good, I just took them with my phone:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 16 December 2019

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

We had a wet and stormy day here on Saturday, but Sunday was really a sun day. I could hardly believe my eyes when I looked outside and saw the sun again! We have been promised very mild, spring-like temperatures with a mix of sun, wind and rain this week. And some people still say the climate is not changing....

This week we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Sandie is hosting. The post will be going live at 9 pm GMT. She has chosen shabby chic or vintage as her theme, so there's lot of scope there. She has 2 beautiful and inspirational tags on our blog to give you some ideas. I made an oval, vintage tag using a photo of my great auntie Fanny. Other images used are from Serif and me. As always you have 2 weeks to join the challenge, and I hope to see you there. Joan has left our DT because of family commitments, and we will miss her. But we have a wonderful new DT member, Pinky, who is a fantastic crafter, so I would like to give her a big welcome into our team:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, which always begins Monday evening. I would like to welcome all the lovely ladies of the T Gang who stop by here.

The shops here in our little town have plenty of lovely, seasonal china:

I also had plenty of coffee to keep me going on my many walks. In spite of three days non-stop rain last week I still managed to walk 97 kilometers. On Saturday evening it was so windy and wild that my umbrella was ripped out of my hands and flew off. I'm just glad I didn't get blown away like Mary Poppins! I have no idea where it landed....

This was taken in an Italian cafe, where they have a big display of Panettone, a sweet and delicious Cake/bread made and eaten at Christmas: 

And this is my joy at home, my beautiful, automatic coffee-maker, which makes me all sorts of coffee whenever I want:

And I have started on some festive stuff here. Last week I baked cookies and shortbread with Nathalie. Now I have started on home made chocolates, which I will be giving away as little gifts. These are filled with cranberries soaked in chocolate liqueur:

Here I have just added the filling, the top layer of choccie comes next:

These are filled with peanut-butter and topped with sea-salt:

And the bad thing is, I have to keep trying them to see if they taste good.... I hope you are feeling sorry for me!

 This is my version of an English fruit cake as WIP. It still needs to be covered in marzipan.

The sky this morning was beautiful:

And it was lovely to be able to walk all day and not get wet once....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!