Monday 18 November 2019

T sTands for caTs

Hi Everybody!

 Hope your weekend was good. We had very cold but sunny weather on Friday and Saturday, great for walking, but on Sunday it was just pure November - cold, grey and misty. But I did enjoy the 2 sunny days, that's always a wondefrul gift at this time of year. And I enjoyed a wonderful visit to the Art Fair on Friday, so that was another gift on top of it all!

It's time for another challenge at Tag Tuesday, beginning Monday evening. Wendy is our host, and has chosen the lovely theme of cats, so hope to see lots of you joining in and enjoying some feline fun. My tag is made with elements from Serif, Mischief Circus and me:

It's also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

At the art fair we had lots of possibilities to drink coffee:

On Friday  my friend Nelya invited me to visit the 'Art Düsseldorf' fair, and she organised the tickets for us. I went to her place for breakfast, and then we took the tram to the art fair, which is held in an old steel factory, a wonderful ambiance for showing art.
This is where we left the tram:

 This is the entrance:

We had to walk past the old pipes and steel sheds:

The chimney is still there:

I loved being able to see the old architectural elements everywhere in the old halls where once steel was melted and formed:

A giant teapot, more than 5 feet high, perhaps too big for TSFT:

And a glass which could make people think they'd had a drop too much:

There were lots of 'selfie' installations where we had fun - here we are taking pics of each other and both visible thanks to the mirrors:

Funny faces:

I like this wood-relief carving:

Do you know how these objects were made?

Here's the answer:

We both enjoyed seeing and being seen:

Colourful junk-art:

 I'm not sure I would want these 2 as neighbours:

Dig those shoes!

This was one of my fave pieces:

Silk paintings:

Having fun:

Shattered - it wasn't me!

And we got loads of freebies - totes:

Cards, catalogues, sticky notes, journals, stickers:

All of these big, fat art magazines, wow!

Posters and more:

I have heaps of inspiration and materials for mixed media work!

I will share the other pics another day, too much is too much!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 16 November 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! The day has dawned cold, clear and sunny here, I was able to watch a beautiful sunrise while drinking my first, wonderful coffee of the day - it always tastes EXTRA good!

I  have one more tag for Michele's theme of seeds and plants at Tag Tuesday
I used images from Serif and me to create the tag. The quote is, of course, from Ecclesiastes 3,1:

Early morning and sunrise today:

Evening photos from the Altstadt taken by my friend Nelya:

And sunset at the Rhine on Wednesday:

The wild geese flying back to 'their' lakes:

Have a wonderful weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!