Friday 8 November 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another tag for Michele's seeds and plants theme at Tag Tuesday, and hope some more people will join us there. I used a vintage photo of Erika, dressed in her vintage finery, taken in 1919. In the background - another photo of mine, changed to look like a window - you can see seeds falling from the trees to the ground, and even huge trees grow from tiny seeds:

I am re-showing a piece made back in 2015, an A3  torn paper version of Wilhem Morgner's landscape showing a sower, as it fits nicely to the seeds theme. I tore the pieces in form, drew the sower and fussy cut him, and doodled the rest after sewing it all together:

The original is from the German expressionist Wilhelm Morgner,
and this painting is in the Kunstpalast art museum in Düsseldorf. He died at the age of 27 in the first world war:

And you have seen our 'green man' many times on my coffee photos. The sculpture is from Fritz Klimsch (1912) and is also called 'The sower':

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

Some pics from this week.

The Wednesday market by the Rhine:

The seagulls:

  Morning walks:

Way to go with all the leaves:

The flowers on my balcony all died off in summer when it was so hot. They have now grown back, and started flowering on cool and wet November 1st:

Dark clouds and sunshine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 7 November 2019

Crisp and Brilliant

Hi Everybody!

It's another grey and dismal day here, but I'm still hoping the sun will peek through sooner or later!
Today I am joining Rain at her Thursday art date where the theme is crisp and brilliant. I have no idea what others will be making for this theme, but it made me think of cold and frosty days. The first piece is an altered photo, set into a frosty frame:

The second one is the view from my balcony on a cold, wintry night back in 2014, which has been given a digital frame:

This one is my fave - a photo from my wonderful and never forgotten dog Scruffy, who loved playing in the snow, also with an added frame and a quote. All frames are from Serif:

I am linking to Rain's Thursday Art Date and

The little town I live in is very ancient, but last Sunday I even saw a unicorn wandering through the castle ruins. There were some very strange happenings there, which I was able to photograph in passing by:

And yes, a unicorn!

I have no idea what they were doing, but lots of passers-by had fun watching and taking pics!

And this strange person was seen yesterday walking along the Rhine with a friend:

Back soon with more pics!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is gong well! It's cold and damp here, which is not good for my bones, but that's life - we have to take the good with the bad.
Lately I have been hearing a lot on the news about the hate attacks on politicians, people of public interest and others. The people who leave these comments on the internet use false identities. It is so easy to hide behind a mask and spew hate, make threats, and cause others distress. I hope sooner or later that the possibilities to do so will be curtailed. Freedom of opinion is good, but this does not give anyone the right  to insult, mob or threaten others. We don't have to agree with everything people do or say, we don't need to like everybody, and are all entitled to a personal opinion. 
This is a remake of a piece made a few years back, as I want to use the message again. It is an A3 mixed media collage painted with blue and black acrylics. The sentiment from John Lennon was stenciled. :

I am linking to More mixed media, anything goes with optional black.

And I have more impressions from beautiful autumn, my fave season:

The prehistoric menhir (standing stone) is the oldest object in my little town, from about 2000 BC and is on the corner of our street - I pass it at least twice a day. I wonder what this stone could have seen in the course of all those years?

The ruins of the imperial castle are also very ancient, dating back more than 1300 years:

Loads of toadstools this year:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!