Wednesday 14 August 2019

Midweek Post - a tag, sunshine and rain

Hi Everybody!

It's Wednesday already, the days are flying again. We had a cool and blustery day yesterday, which I much enjoyed, and in the evening the wind dropped and the sun came out in time for an evening walk along the Rhine, which was just perfect. On Sunday we had some heavy rain in the evening, which was good, and we need more!

For my challenge 'Anything goes' at Tag Tuesday I have another tag (10"). As I already told you, I unearthed lots of treasures when I cleaned my working space, and I am using them to make my tags. Old paintings were chopped up to make backgrounds, and some of the lost and founds bits will be appearing on my tags in the coming days. I love crafting like this - no theme, no stress, just playing with disparate bits and bobs and seeing what comes out. This paper was painted and textured and reminded me of jacquard silk, so perhaps that's why the bride pair (TH) appeared. The roses were from some sheets of rub-ons which I also discovered in my clear-out. The text is from TH and I sewed it all together before adding the bridal bouquet and wings:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's  Wandering Camera
and Simon Monday Challenge - the couple are marrying to get away from the midsummer blues!

On Sunday evening, as on many others, too, I watched the crows in the trees behind the house. They sit there every morning, too, and often wake me with their raucous cawing:

But then the wind came up and blew some very dark skies over us, and we had lots of thunder and lightning:

And it rained hard, which was good:

After the rain and clouds the crows came back again:

And brought a rainbow with them:

That made me happy! And yesterday's evening walk along the Rhine and through our little town rounded off a great day, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 12 August 2019

T sTands for a new Theme aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, as I did. We had sunny/cloudy weather, but no rain and not too warm, so it was ideal for walking through the fields and along the Rhine as I so love to do.
Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

It's my turn to be host this time, and my theme is 'anything goes', and I will also be giving a packet of stamps and crafty embellishments etc to one person who joins in and whose name is pulled out of the hat. If you join in more than once then you get more chances!

This tag is a summery one using rose transfers on a large (8") tag, adding some cut outs and stickers, and sewing it all to a contrasting piece of matting. The text was hand-written - quick and easy to make.

I have called this tag 'Lost and found', because I recently cleared and cleaned my workspace and found piles of things which had been lost for a long time. The background is recycled cardboard embossed in a TH folder. The key is a grunge-board shape, also from TH, and the heart and anchor were plastic bits which I had removed from cards sometime in the distant past. I used lots of embossing powder and perfect pearls in gold, silver and various other hues to give the metallic look.  If you try embossing plastic, be careful, it might melt!

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
As always, there has been a lot of eating and drinking going on, and my drink was mostly coffee. I went for ice with my friend Nelya:

I continue to make delicious salads for my main meal each day:

Mostly I use this threefold lettuce, which has three sorts growing from one root ball:

If you keep the roots slightly wet the salad stays fresh for several days:

A delicious snack - a cheesy plaited roll filled with cheese, cucumber and salad:

Cappuccino with Nathalie in the Altstadt - served with a burnt almond. I mean the coffee was served with a burnt almond!

Nathalie is a lovely, young friend:

Usually when I visit the Altstadt I go to the parks, Churches and places of cultural interest. Nathalie took me to her fave shops and boutiques, so this time a more colourful and fun tour:

The musicians fountain, where we had our coffee:

A shop filled with quirky and very bright household items:

The shops were all so bright I needed my shades:

Love the Frida shopping baskets:

Killepitsch is a famous liqueur brewed in the Altstadt:

This is evidently young fashion, but to me it looked a bit like granny-fashion:

We're hiding in this one:

Surreal reflections:

 It was a fun tour for me, and I saw the inside of a lot of shops I would not usually visit!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!