Friday 9 August 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend, so hope you have a good one. The weather here is a bit cooler today, so good to feel a cool breeze coming in through the window! Please remind me of that in winter when I start complaining about how cold it is....

Yesterday at art group I started to alter a large (21" x 17") paper bag:

It started off like this, and I thought it would make a great background to paint on:

I drew circles using plates, saucers, lids etc and coloured them with watered down liquid acrylics, using pink, magenta, lime green and turquoise. I painted in several layers to overlap the colours. The small circles were stamped with a circle rubber-stamp (Hein design) in distress oxide inks. Then I used  stencils to add the faces and birds (Dina Wakley) and the stars and dragonflies (no-name)

The quote ( Pablo Picasso) was added with sharpies. I will be using the bag to store my A3 loose paintings and journal-pages, but first I need to paint the reverse side, which I will do at art group next week:

Linking to Paint Party Friday

My evening walk yesterday - a wonderful time of day:

2 cloud pics from Harry:

A morning walk through the fields:

The gulls love following the tractor:

A rusty sculpture especially for Elizabeth:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has gone well so far. Time is flying here, as always, and the days go by too quickly to get everything done that I would like to, but that's life!
I have been clearing and tidying a lot, and my kitchen table is now free from the meter high pile of stash and painting stuff that was on it, and looks like a table again! I am reducing the amount of things I have, as it is just too much. A huge pile has wandered to a kid's art-school, a kindergarten and the thrift shop. I still have too much, so more will be going in the next weeks. Lots of older paintings have been cut up to be re-used and re-purposed. Here I have used a lot of scraps and other odds and ends to make some journal pages, with lots of sewing to hold everything together, using n old calendar page as background. I am linking to Paint Party Friday:

And I have a hybrid tag for Joan's summer fun theme at Tag Tuesday, using an image from Gecko Galz and some elements from Serif:

My clean and tidy table:

When it's hot and humid I go by tram to Düsseldorf, although it is much more beautiful and quieter here - there is a lot of air conditioning there in the big stores, and there are also lots of cool, old  churches, streets and alleyways to explore. This is the town hall:

The lion is the symbol of Düsseldorf:

Blind justice - I think justice seems to be blind, deaf and dumb today, that might explain all the terrible things that happen all the time:

Behind the town hall there is this beautiful, old square:

I enjoyed being in the photo:

The town walls in the 15th century:

Love this statue:

The goose fountain:

The lion high up:

And Düsseldorf is famous for its Lion mustard, strong and hot:

 The carnival statue:

An old bakery:

The spire of the Max Church - I will show the inside another time:

This was my husband's fave restaurant/pub - he was born in the Altstadt:

This little garden behind a wrought iron fence caught my eye - a garden of mourning, a place to be still in the middle of the bustling streets and cafes:

Outside the garden, life goes on as always:

Love this saying on a house nearby 'Anybody can wish me whatever he wants, God should give him even more of the same'

Strange things in this shop-window:

This chair outside a shop is there for people to sit, rest and take selfies. I think it looks nicer without me sitting in it:

I am linking to Soma's 'Wandering Camera'

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!