Thursday 11 July 2019

Strong women

Hi Everybody!

We have been enjoying some slightly cooler weather here, which is great, and we even got a few drops of rain in the night, but we badly need some real rain, the earth is much too dry.
I saw this old journal spread in one of my A3 journals and decided to re-show it, as it is one I like and with a good message. I remember making those little paper dolls, and tucked into the journal was an envelope with more pieces to make dolls,  which I then put together:

These are the ones I assembled from the bits I had forgotten:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin
and to Soma's wandering camera

I spent a lot of time roaming through the fields and along the Rhine this week, the fields are buzzing with bees and some less lovely insects which like to sting and bite:

The farmers have been busy harvesting the barley and rye:

It's always a feast for the crows and gulls:

I see the rabbits every morning when I go out, but mostly they are gone before I get my camera out - this time I caught them running:

Lots of  school groups have been out and about enjoying walks and picnics:

Blue skies above the castle ruins:

Another crow:

This butterfly was tiny, less than an inch across:

It is really refreshing to wander though the fields and enjoy nature:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Thunder Tree

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Today I am posting for my good blogging friend Sandra, whose newest book will soon be released. I'm sure it will be as good as all of her other ones!

Ben Evers is a drifter that never stays in one place too long, always hankering to see what’s over the next horizon. His traveling companion—an eagle. He lives by two rules. Mind his own business and always treat women with respect. The first rule stands him in good stead until he meets former Texas Ranger John T. McAllen and his niece Kate Landon. The two are drawing him into their lives and Ben knows from personal experience no good ever comes from getting involved in other folks’ trouble.  John T. and his neighbor are caught up in a feud over land and Clary’s daughter. When danger strikes, swift and hard, Ben has a decision to make. Turn his back and ride away from people he’s grown to care about or break his rule of minding his own business, and stay and fight.

Short Excerpt: 

Ben Evers watched the scene playing out at the base of the arroyo, ignoring a cutting wind that whipped his shirt against his body and stung his face. He leaned forward for a better view into the clay-colored, rough-edged gully. 
Below him, three men tossed a youth back and forth punching him and laughing.
His hands tight on the pommel, he shifted in the saddle.  It went against the grain to let anyone take a licking, especially when the odds were uneven, but he’d learned at an early age to mind his own business. It was a rule he lived by. Still it didn’t sit well. Not well at all.
What the hell? He jerked in the saddle as one of the ruffians tore the youth’s shirt revealing a body that didn’t belong to a boy. At the same time, the victim’s hat fell off and rich russet-colored hair tumbled halfway to a slender waist.
He gave a startled oath. A woman! This changed everything. His other rule: show respect to women. Minding his business be damned.

* Warning. Content contains six-guns, strong-women and hand-tooled boots.

Available for Pre-order at Amazon.

I'll sure you'll all join me in wishing our talented friend Sandra all the best with her new book!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 8 July 2019

T stands for Tags and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it was sunny, but not too hot, and today I am enjoying a really cool breeze and an overcast sky - lovely! Perhaps it's my British blood that makes me prefer these cooler temps!

I have another tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday, and hope to see more people joining in her 'here comes the sun' theme. I used one of my sunrise photos as background and one of my bird photos. The sun is from Itkupilli, the text from Serif, all put together in my graphics programme:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday gathering, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit. I was out and about a lot last week, so drank lots of coffee (and ate some  ice!). On Saturday I met up with my friend Nelya and her son, and after eating ice we walked to Cafe Burghof , next to the castle ruins, to sit in the sun, and  enjoy the views over the Rhine and  some drinks:

I like their menu card:

M had chocolate:

I had cappuccino - what else?

And Nelya enjoyed a Düsseldorfer Alt Beer:

This was on another day in Guiseppe's ice Parlour, where they always serve the lovely burnt almonds:

I saw the beautiful hollyhocks and grapes on one of my walks:

 Harry is enjoying a holiday on a North-Sea island:

And I have some more photos from the Daniel Liebeskind building near Hofgarten. I smuggled myself into this one:

That's all for today. Next time I will show more photos from the art museum.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!