Monday 1 July 2019

T stands for new Theme aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. Here it was extremely hot again, but from today it is hopefully getting cooler. Last week I spent part of my days walking through the big department stores in town, where they have air conditioning, and sometimes even free ice-water dispensers. And I discovered that by walking over the Rhine bridges you always get a good breeze....And on Thursday the Kunstpalast art museum offers free entry, so was able to spend some happy hours there cooling down. It was just too hot here to stay home! But I am hoping to get back to more normal pursuits this week, and to be able to take my walks at normal times and not either in the very early morning or late at night.

Our new host at Tag Tuesday is the lovely and talented Michele and her chosen theme is 'here comes the sun' (Rather ironic for me after these past hot weeks!) She has created some lovely tags to inspire you and you can see them on our blog. My first one was made using some cut-outs made from a sunrise photo on a hand painted background:

The second one is made from stamped and cut out pieces placed onto a painted background:

You have 2 weeks to enter the challenge, so hope to see you there!

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies who visit.  My tag above has a cup of coffee, my morning sunshine, and I drank lots of coffee this week, too - here a colourful example:

 And tomorrow will also be Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so here a repeat piece from 2015:

And here are some of my early morning and late evening photos taken with my cell phone on my walks here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Too hot to think....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We are still 'enjoying' the extreme heat here. Today the heat record for June, which was established back in 1947, has been broken as the temps soared again. The tar is melting on the streets, trains are breaking down,the farmers are worrying about their crops and livestock, and nobody is sleeping well. My bedroom temperature yesterday was 33°....Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler, before the extreme heat comes back again at the weekend. Next week things will hopefully be more normal.

I have a mixed media paper/textile collage to share, made some time back, using lots of scraps, ribbons and other small pieces on a painted background:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's  The wandering camera

I have some photos to share taken in Düsseldorf.
An old clock from the beginning of the 20th century:

This is between Königsallee and Hofgarten:

I didn't like this building from Daniel Liebeskind when it was first built, but in the meantime I love it. You can read more here:

The Henry Moore sculpture,  '2 piece reclining figure', is opposite the building in Hofgarten:

 There are lots of other sculptures, old and new there:

This group of sculptures 'Las Meninas'  (The court ladies) is from 
Manolo Valdés:

And this street art is on the casemates in the Altstadt:

'Flo was here'

We are lucky to have so much art to see here, covering all segments from the sublime to the ridiculous - something for every taste.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!