Saturday 1 June 2019

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Tomorrow is Sunday and the 2nd of the month, so time for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we re-show posts made in the past. I have 2 Modigliani knock-offs made and posted  back in April 2014:

Some miscellaneous photos from the past few days.
Ducks in Düsseldorf:

The evening sun at the Rhine:

A cormorant:

Masked horses - we had a lot of little flies:

My walking buddy Harry having a rest:

I found another swing:

 Lots of geese:

This horse was very friendly:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 30 May 2019

Out of the strong came forth sweetness

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. It's a bank holiday here today, and we had bank holiday weather - cloud, rainy and dull. But I still got out for my walks - at least it wasn't cold!

For Joan's 'Gardening' theme at Tag Tuesday I have one more tag. This is a hybrid tag, made from hand-painted elements,  my photos, illustrations from an old book I have and some elements from Serif, all combined to make a garden in my head again. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday hosted by Eva and Kristin:

This is a very distressed collaged postcard:

We had blue skies on some days, and I enjoyed being out and about in our little town by the Rhine. I am linking to Soma's 'Wandering camera':

I climbed up the stairs in the castle ruins, and admired not only the views, but all of the beautiful wild flowers growing among the stones - 'Out of the strong came forth sweetness':

That's all for today!
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend,
and thanks, as always, for coming by!

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Medienhafen and Gehry Buildings

Hi Everybody!

We had a stormy day here, with thunder, lightning, torrential rain and hailstones, so it was nice to see the sun coming out this evening in time for my evening walk. I had to take shelter in the ice parlour this morning,  so drank coffee to while away the time till the rain had stopped enough to make a dash for home. But we need the rain, so I'm trying not to grumble too much!

I painted this 8 x 8" mixed media canvas for Harry's birthday, which was last Sunday, but forgot to take photos, so here it is in its new home:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

Last week I visited the Altstadt and Medienhafen in Düsseldorf. It used to be a regular goods harbour, but is now used as a yacht harbour and a place where many media firms, TV and radio companies and other offices have been established. It is also 'home' to our county parliament and a lot of people who can afford to live in the wonderful buildings from Frank Gehry, the Canadian Architect. You can read more about him here if you are interested.

Here are some impressions from my visit.

Walking along the Rhine from the Altstadt to the Medienhafen. The pavement suggests the waves of the Rhine:

The County Parliament with the post-office tower in the background:

Only the best is good enough for our politicians, and the house has lots of windows for them to look out at the Rhine when they get bored:

One of the old cranes:

Moving towards the marina and the Gehry Buildings:

There are lots of (rather expensive) cafes and restaurants:

This mirrored building is my fave:

Several of the old cranes are still visible:

Looking over to the other Rhine side:

Okay, this was a lot of pics, even for me, but hope you liked these unusual and very splendid buildings!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!