Monday 13 May 2019

T sTands for Travelling on fooT and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, as I did. We had very mixed weather again, with sunshine, blue skies, grey clouds, wind and some occasional showers, but all in all it was good weather for walking and I did a lot of that!

Today I have another tag for Wendy's theme at Tag Tuesday.
There's still a week to join in, so hope to see YOU there!
I made a hybrid tag using a painted background with 'my' head, and some added elements from Serif. The lighthouse was stamped:

Tuesday is time for Elizabeth's T stands tor Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang. Nelya recently made a feast to celebrate her birthday, and here are a few of the wonderful treats:

Coffee in my fave mug:

This is a baked spinach, onion and cheese omelette I made last week, adapting a recipe from Jan. I left the bacon out as Harry doesn't eat meat, and it was very delicious:

And I remembered to drink plenty of fluids:

Good news:

We walked a lot this week:

A few photos from yesterday's loooong walk along the Rhine and across various bridges:

Not my feet!:

My next post will show more photos and a special series of '42s' for the Hitchhikers!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. It's cold, grey and wet here, so I've been dodging showers during my walks, but I still get out enough. I'm not complaining though, we badly need the rain. During the long drought last year a lot of damage was done, and the earth needs bountiful supplies of water to regenerate. But a bit more sunshine here and there would be great!

Today I have an 8" by 8" canvas to share. It was given 2 coats of gesso and then painted with Deco Arts Titan buff followed by interference gold and turquoise. The colours don't show up well on the photos. The flowers were collaged with a napkin and then given a coat of clear varnish after I had added some colour with distress oxides. I added some glass pearls and German gold glitter - both from Viva - to the centres. The cherub (LaBlanche) was painted with the same colours and then sewn to the canvas with gold thread. This took a long time as my fingers are still making problems:

For Wendy's 'sea-world' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag, made using one of my own pieces as background. The bubbles were stamped with a stamp from Ryn Tanaka and white embossed. The fish and mermaid are from Serif and were added digitally:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

Some photos from this week.

A peaceful evening scene at one of the lakes:

Misty mornings:

Wayside flowers:

I love this house;

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!