Wednesday 20 February 2019

Small town festivities

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a steampunk tag to share, using various elements from LaBlanche and Dezina world:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Simon Monday challenge,  things with wheels

And I have a last tag for our 'mushrooms' theme at Tag Tuesday, using elements from Serif and me:

Last Sunday was the begin of the Carnival festivities here, and while I was out getting some spring flower shots I saw the  procession of carnival die-hards from our little town coming my way and took some photos:

In Düsseldorf and Cologne there are HUGE celebrations and parades in the days before Ash Wednesday, and there is a lot of rivalry between both towns, some would call it enmity....Back in 1288 there was a battle at a place called Worringen. The troops from Düsseldorf won, and that's where it started. D'dorf was granted the right to hold a market as a reward for fighting the battle for the Duke of Berg. Today the rivalry is concentrated on who has the best carnival parade, whose beer tastes better etc.  In Cologne they drink a beer called Kölsch, and the folks here call it 'Pferdepisse'. No, I won't translate it, you'll have to look it up....In Düsseldorf  they drink Alt beer, and the people in Cologne have the same bad nickname for it! I drink coffee and it tastes good even in Cologne, so perhaps it's all just nonsense with the rivalry. But when I tried to buy a train-ticket to Düsseldorf from Cologne from a ticket machine, I noticed that Düsseldorf is not listed at all.... Something to think about for those who have nothing better to do or have drunk too much of the various beers. And don't tell, but if I had to drink a beer, I would choose Kölsch and not Alt....

The one with the beard reminds me of Dumbledore....

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 18 February 2019

T sTands for Tags and more

Hi Everybody!

We have been blessed with wonderful spring weather these past days, so I have been out and about as much as possible, soaking up some sun and warmth. Our little town was full of sun-seekers yesterday, walking by the Rhine or sitting outside to drink their coffee or whatever.  It won't last forever, but I think we are all trying to make the best of it.

For Tag Tuesday I made another tag, using some scraps of paper, card, a TH ballerina and some vintage German scrap figures. I sewed it all together. There is still a week to join our challenge:

I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, typography

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a big welcome to all of the ladies of the T gang. On Saturday I visited my friend N, who lives on the opposite side of the Rhine, and after walking along the river we took the tram into the centre of Düsseldorf and visited Cafe Byzantio, a Greek cafe with wonderful cake and coffee. We sampled a good variety of chocolate cakes and washed it down with delicious cappuccino. We shared each of the pieces, so didn't eat too much:

This one was my fave:

It was very crowded around the glass cases with the cakes, but by using my elbows I managed to get some photos:

 I bought myself some daffodils for my vase, and a neighbour bought me the tulips. The vase they are in is from the 1930s with an abstract tulip design, blown in the glass, not painted, and I love it as it belonged to my great aunt:

When I visited N I walked from the tram station in town past Hofgarten park and across the bridge. The geese were evidently enjoying the midday sun, too. This  one was standing by the railing watching the passers by:

A second one was feeding:

And these ones were enjoying a sunny snooze:

This time there were no wild winds trying to blow me off the bridge.
The concert hall, which used to be a planetarium:

A view of the Altstadt taken when we took our walk along the other side of the river:

Friday 15 February 2019

Sunny weekend post.

Hi Everybody!

It was so lovely to be able to go outside today and not freeze, and to feel the warm sun on my face and neck. Lots of people were sitting on the benches by the Rhine, their faces turned to the sun, just enjoying the warmth instead of biting winds. I know it won't last forever, but I'm determined to make the most of this spring weekend.

I am sharing another double-page from my journal using paper-scraps from my table, some pieces of a vintage ledger and some collage images from Tumblefish Studios. The background was gessoed and then darkened with my home-made, vintage brown ink, which I also splattered with a quill pen over the finished collage, as well as adding some random stamping:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Simon Monday Challenge, typography.

A beautiful sunrise:

The little market by the Rhine:

More spring flowers:

Crows at the castle ruins:

This old house by the Rhine used to be the customs house:

From the tower the customs officers had a good view of ships sailing by:

My long shadow stretched across the stream:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!