Thursday 14 February 2019

Better weather on the way

Hi Everybody!

đź’–Happy Valentine's Day to all who are celebrating it!đź’–
The weather here has got better since the weekend storms. We had some sunshine the past couple of days, and it should be feeling springlike till the weekend, so it sounds great. I went for the tests the specialist recommended last week, and I am pleased they are now all done. I will be seeing the specialist again on the 25th, so hope to learn more about my blue toes then. In the meantime, I plan to enjoy the good weather coming our way!

At Tag Tuesday our theme is mushrooms / fungi, and I made another fantasy tag. I used a piece of painted paper for the background, and the die-cut gates were in my stash. The images are vintage German scrap, to which I added some re-used textile leaves. I did a bit of sewing round the edges, and have a tag which can stand up by itself:

I am also linking to the Frilly and Funkie challenge, three of something, here, 3 words, 3 leaves, three mushrooms, and to Simon Monday challenge, typography.

I also made a vintage journal spread at art group. The photos show Erika as a child, and I gave them a vintage background and surroundings. The papers used in the background are all pertaining to her family history from the time when she lived in Uruguay:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

These are the original photos, taken by a photographer in Hannover, I think about 1918. (Google tried to change the name to 'hangover'!!)

 On Monday afternoon the sun came out, so I bundled up and went down to the Rhine to greet it:

Yesterday morning started off cloudy but the sun squeezed itself under the clouds:

And the spring bulbs are showing themselves everywhere:

A blossoming tree:

And the first daisies showed their pretty heads, always a lovely sight:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 11 February 2019

T stands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

We had a very wild, wet and windy weekend, and it doesn't look much different today, although the sun is trying to come through. I visited a friend on Saturday, and after taking the tram to the centre of DĂĽsseldorf, decided to walk the rest of the way, over the bridge, which was a mistake. It was so windy I had to hold onto the railing with one hand and my cap with the other one, so was happy to get to the other side in one piece, although I was not able to take my usual photos. But I was rewarded with some wonderful food and hot coffee when I arrived, so that was good.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Wendy is hosting. She has chosen 'Mushrooms / fungi' as her theme. This is a theme I usually associate with autumn, so my fantasy tag is set in this season. The background is one of my photos, other elements are from Serif :

Hope to see lots of you joining in the challenge.

It's also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday meeting, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang. I am re-showing a piece I made a couple of years back using a mix of photos and drawings:

The photos were taken on my Friday walk after yet another doctor's appointment. I have 2 more coming up this week:

It was wild and windy, but nowhere near as bad as on Saturday:

The daffodils and snowdrops around the castle are sprouting:

The gates of heaven?

In a neighbour's garden:

This house always has flowers in the porch:

On Saturday N and I wanted to visit the art academy to see the exhibition of the students' pictures. We traveled by tram to avoid the windy bridge. This is a permanent installation in the little subway between the tram station and the academy, thousands of glass slides:

The view of the academy through the rain:

The queue waiting to get in was so long we went for a coffee in the Altstadt instead:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 7 February 2019

Colourful Thursday

Hi Everybody!

Time is flying by, as always, and it's Thursday already. Once again I didn't get much done, as I had quite a lot of appointments here and there, but did have a nice afternoon with a friend and was able to do some art-journaling instead of housew**k, so all in all, not too bad. And now that the snow has gone the world seems to be more colourful, and that's always good.

You still have a few days to join in our challenge at Tag Tuesday, I made another tag using more bits and pieces from my table. The pretty die-cut was sent to me, but I can't remember by whom....It fitted perfectly onto a pink heart-shaped post-it note. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, add some red. And our challenge at More Mixed Media is also to use some red:

I made this journal spread at Art group this week. I used scraps of JD tissues, washi tapes, and a card from a fashion show from way, way back, signed personally by Karl Lagerfeld. I tore the edges off the card and pasted it here into my fashion spread. I swiped some gesso over it to tone it down. I added some random colours with Gelatos and stenciled some dots and spots to bring it all together:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday.

We have had a lot of rain this week, it's milder than it was, and there have been some sunny intervals:

I bought some daffodils to brighten things up here, and love watching them unfold:

The fifth stem is now growing on the pink hyacinths, the blue ones are slowly getting past their best-by date - like me!

I have nets full of peanuts on the balcony, the 'Meisen' (tits) grab them and retire to the tree to eat:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!