Thursday 13 December 2018

Wintry days

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We've had some cold and frosty days here, with rain, but still no snow, and at the weekend it's supposed to get a bit warmer again....But the Rhine is filling up nicely, which is making it easier for the ships to pass again, so that's something. I have another mixed media journal spread using water colours, stencils and scraps of JD tissues. I am linking to Paint Party Friday

This is a hybrid piece using vintage images, a snow photo as background and a mask and quote added in Serif:

This A3 hybrid piece was made similarly, I like using my own photos as part of journal pages, the mask and text are from Serif:

And some photos of the sunrise scenes on three days this week. It often clouds over after sunrise, but I feel better just seeing the sun go up each day:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 10 December 2018

T stands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Today I am sharing a new tag for Wilma's 'hearth and home' challenge at Tag Tuesday.  The challenge will be running for the whole month this time, so you still have plenty of time to join in. I re-used a window die-cut , with a photo taken from one of our free magazines and some other scraps to make this one. As a kid I used to love looking into people's windows whilst traveling by on the bus or train, and this time I can imagine the folks in Santa's train looking into the seasonally decorated rooms on their journey:

Tuesday is also time for T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang. I have a photo to share taken in the bakery-cafe last week. I drank my coffee before I could take a photo, so I magicked one into the photo: 

These photos were taken at the garden centre I visited a couple of weeks back with my neighbour. I am not fond of this extreme commercialisation of  holidays, but it was quite pretty and very glittery!

Sunday was the light night of Hanukkah, so this time all of the candles were lit,
and I enjoyed a lovely evening with my friend N, who made the most delicious 'Reibekuchen' ever! Thanks!

The sky was cloudy this morning, but we still had a beautiful sun-rise show:

And the wild-geese flew honking over head while I was freezing outside on the balcony:

'May the sun always shine for you, and may you always have a light to guide you through the darkness'

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 7 December 2018

A robin, and lighting up the dark

Hi Everybody!

This has somehow been a busy week, time flew by much too quickly, and I have the feeling I didn't get half of the things done that I would have liked to. But I did manage to find some time for crafting! The snowy robin was made last week at art group, using a paper napkin sent to me some time back by Yvonne, thanks again! I painted around the edges, added some more branches and berries, stenciled the birds and added some splodges of white for snow. Some leaves and embellies that were flying about got added, too. I am linking to Paint Party Friday:

Once again I have enjoyed watching the morning skies: 

And in the evenings I took time out to light and enjoy the Hanukkah candles: 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!