Monday 2 April 2018

T stands for Things beginning with T

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your Easter weekend as I did. It rained all day on Sunday here, but I was invited to a friend's for a wonderful meal, so enjoyed my day very much.
On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at TIOT
Recycle something. We want to see things which have been re-used or re-purposed, and you have 2 weeks to link your creation to us.
I recently found a pile of shabby notebooks, which had been stuffed into a drawer and forgotten for many moons. I made some covers for them using a sheet of printed card which a neighbour was throwing away, and offered to me. The little tag was one sent to me as part of a gift, and I fitted it to the cover as an embellishment. The ribbon was tied onto a free sample in a magazine. I used the last scraps of card to make a pocket inside each cover:

I am looking forward to seeing what you create for this challenge!

At Tag Tuesday you still have a week to enter our 'diamonds are forever' challenge. I have a small owl tag with pearls for eyes:

And Tuesday is also time for  Elizabeth's tea stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang. Last Friday, which was a warm and spring-like day, I went for a walk with my buddy G through the wild-life park in Grafenberg, Düsseldorf, and afterwards we went for a pizza. G had a 'quattro stagione' pizza and I had a small margarita one. I had a diet cola with mine and G had a 'real' cola:

The wild life park is in a hill-top, wooded area, and we enjoyed walking around in the sunshine, eating ice creams, and of course, watching the animals.

The wild pigs and the little squeakers were fun to watch:

Lots of deer:


Wild cats:

 This notice was on a lot of the enclosures - be careful, we bite!

The raccoons had just woken up and were thirsty:

The frog was sunning itself on a path. And before you ask - no, I didn't try to kiss it - who needs a prince?

The trees are still bare:

More photos to follow another day!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 31 March 2018

Happy Everything

Hi Everybody!

I would like to wish all those celebrating this weekend a happy Passover
and /or a happy Easter:

The 2nd of the month is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we re-show stuff from previous posts, so I will be linking to her blog when it's time. These pieces were both made in April 2015. The first is a mixed media using acrylics, brushos and a stencil from

The 2nd piece is a semi-abstract piece, made by just pushing colours around, and with some birds and trees doodled in:

The weather here seems to be leaning towards spring with warm days still being interspersed with cold and wet ones:

Loved this crack in the wall:

Last week when we wandered along the Rhine, G broke off some twigs, which I placed in water. Now I have spring blossoms at home:

 Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 29 March 2018

Collage and more

Hi Everybody!

Tomorrow it will be time for Paint Party Friday again, the days are flying by, as always. I managed to clean off my craft table this week, and I threw away a huge amount an small scraps and things which I sorted out. I also weeded out a big bag of stamps, which I will take to the thrift shop. Some of the scraps and papers I 'saved' were worked into this very large collage, which is almost A2. The text around the edges reads : Life is a patchwork of ideas, colours, images, people, sounds, languages and much, much more. Each of us will leave his imprint on the earth, as did the generations before us, and our footprints will be trodden by those who come after us.
I am also linking to Simon Wednesday challenge, anything goes

And I have a hybrid tag for Wilma's challenge, 'Diamonds are forever' at Tag Tuesday. The background is part of a painting made a couple of years back, and the diamonds were sprayed using a digital air-brush:

 Some photos from my balcony and from the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!