Saturday 17 March 2018

Happy St Patrick's Day

Hi Everybody!

After asking yesterday on my blog if it's winter or spring, we got an answer today - it's snowing again! Spring has deserted us, and everything is white....
Thanks to all who commiserated with my computer problems yesterday. Things seem to be back more or less to normal, although it is still reacting more slowly than usual. I think my computer and I are both showing signs of old age, but as there's no possibility of getting either of us replaced just now, we'll just have to learn to live with it!

I would like to wish all who celebrate it  a happy St Patrick's Day
(images from Gecko Galz):

I have another tag for Joan's challenge at Tag Tuesday, Easter or Spring:

 And as I need some colour other than white I made a hybrid journal page using a photo from Pexels:

 I am fed up with snow photos, so these were taken this day one year ago:

Have a nice day, keep warm,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 15 March 2018

Winter or spring?

Hi Everybody!

Just a quicker than usual post today, I am having big computer problems, and hope that I will be able to get them sorted myself....I will perhaps be leaving shorter than usual comments on your blogs, too.

For Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin I have 2 pieces to share. The first is a mixed media piece, which I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge  and to Simon Wednesday challenge

The second piece is a hybrid one - we are all so longing for spring! I used a photo found on Pexels for this one:

I slept badly last night, too many computer problems in my head, and my early start this morning was rewarded with these wonderful morning skies:

My first mini daffodil is blooming:

The crows were up early, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Positive thoughts

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are doing well. The weather seems to be playing games again, lots of places have snow, and we have been threatened with very cold weather and snow from Friday on, so it doesn't look like winter wants to let us go yet.

I have a hybrid piece to share today. The background and head are both hand-painted, and then I digitally added some lovely figures from Nancy Baumiller's Crowabout Studios (Mischief Circus):

My orchids are still doing well:

Nothing much changes in our little town:

The buds are getting bigger:

Here a new sewer is being dug:

I always love the shadows caused by the morning sunshine:

Some rusty bits for Elizabeth:

The shops are all full of spring and Easter themed things:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!