Monday 12 March 2018

T stands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Joan is hosting. Her chosen theme is Spring /Easter, and tags of all formats are allowed and welcome. I hope to see lots of you joining us there.
I made a hybrid tag using elements from Serif and me:

You still have a week to join in the 'Mum's the word' challenge at TIOT,
for which I made this hybrid journal page as a reminder. The photos show my late husband as a toddler and with his beloved grandmother,
with whom he had a very loving relationship, much more so than with his own mother.

Today is also Elizabeth's Tea stands for Tuesday, where we share a drink, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T group.

On Saturday G and I visited this wonderful cafe in a room at the flea market, and enjoyed our breakfast. The room was furnished with groups of chairs, sofas and tables where you could sit and eat from old china and enjoy the bizarre surroundings:

I had a cheese plate for breakfast, G a sausage and cheese one:

These ladies were above the serving hatch:

All in all we had a fun time there. And later in the day we went to a second cafe, but I will save those pics for another time....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 11 March 2018

At the Flea-Market

Hi Everybody!

We've been enjoying mild, springlike weather these past days, which is a great change to the icy weather we had till the beginning of March.
Yesterday I met up with G in the neighbouring town of Neuss and we visited a
flea-market which is situated in old train halls behind the main railway.

But first a little spring greeting:

 We had a great sunrise yesterday:

The old train-halls had high roofs, open wooden beams, whitewashed brick-walls and large windows, and were hung with crystal chandeliers, giving a rather surreal effect:

Smoking prohibited!

This was my fave booth:

And I fell in love with that HMV dog!

 There was also a cafe there, with very individual furnishings, but I will show that in my TSFT Post!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 8 March 2018

Happy Birthday PPF

Hi Everybody!

This Friday we are celebrating the 7th birthday of
Congrats and thanks to Eva and Kristin for keeping it going so long!

I have altered an old piece to make my birthday greeting. This hybrid work has been made using figures I painted with the addition of some arty bits from Serif:

For Tag Tuesday I have a quick , digital tag for Wendy's spring flowers challenge:

And this is an A3 mixed media piece using napkins and stencils that I made together with the grandchildren of an ex-colleague. They had great fun pasting and getting sticky :

The warmer weather this week means I have been able to get out every day which was wonderful. The green bunnies have gone, now there are only yellow and white ones:

I always enjoy watching the gulls:

And I just enjoy wandering around our little town:

Beautiful morning scenes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!