Sunday 4 March 2018


Hi Everybody!

March did not get off to a good start here, with icy temperatures, deep-frozen nights, slippery paths and a load of snow which came down in the night from Thursday to Friday. But today it seems to be a little milder, so I'm hoping that the weather prophets are right and that spring will soon be here to stay. At least it's green outside again today. And green is also the optional colour for our new theme at More Mixed Media, which always begins on the 5th of the month. All mixed media formats are welcome, and the green is optional. I made an A3 mixed media page. The background was brayered with a mix of gesso, pink and green and stamped into while wet with a flourish stamp. The dots were added using a Seth Apter stencil to sponge the colours through. The butterflies and magnolias were part of a stencil applied with acrylic medium. I sewed the edges with green thread using the machine, and then hand-sewed the green net to the butterflies. The quote was computer generated, and is the beautiful Irish blessing. Some self-adhesive lace from the discount shop finished it off. I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, in the garden, and Simon Wednesday challenge, anything goes.

Today we had a beautiful sunrise again, the little clouds just added to the charm:

But yesterday was a different kettle of fish - I woke up to this:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 1 March 2018

March mix

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you a good start in the new month, and I hope that it will be warmer than our icy February.

Today I am sharing an A3 mixed media piece. The BG was brayered with acrylics. The face was drawn and doodled, and some parts were coloured with a green china ink pen to represent the hope that the green shoots of spring will soon be sprouting everywhere.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and to Simon Monday challenge, in my garden, and to Simon Wednesday Challenge, anything goes.

Tomorrow is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so I am re-showing an A3 journal page
made back in 2014 - time flies!

On Sunday we passed by this installation on a hill near here. Some brave people were walking on it in spite of the icy winds - I decided to go back when the weather is more clement! The sculpture, 'Tiger and Turtle' is by Ulrich Genth and Heike Mutter. You can read more about it here

The cold, clear weather has given us some wonderful views of the sunrise and the moon:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Birds of a feather

Hi Everybody!

It's still very cold here, and last night was evidently the coldest one in about 100 years, and we're all longing to go out without those icy winds. We were lucky to at least have blue skies and sunshine, which cheered up more than grey skies.

Today I have a hybrid piece made with  one of the napkins Yvonne sent me. The image with the deer was pasted to a gessoed BG with acrylic medium. I then digitally put it onto a grungy BG and added some other creatures (Mischief Circus):

Yesterday the moon was up while the sun was still shining:

These photos were taken on my Saturday walk by icy minus temps:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!