Thursday 21 December 2017

More Tags

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.

Just a quick post today,  it's my birthday, so I need to 
finish baking my cakes before my visitors arrive -

🍨 Happy Birthday to Me!🍨

Today I am sharing 2 more quick tags made for Joan's lovely 
theme at Tag Tuesday - Christmas memories. The
first was made from scraps of DCWV paper and a vintage
scrap Santa:

This was made with another scrap of DCWV paper, 
a decorative star and a die cut Xmas tree 
decorated with Stickles:

And some frozen and misty photos from the last
few days:

I'll share my birthday cakes with you in my
next post!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 19 December 2017

T stands for Snowmen

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's
T stands for Tuesday, so here a big
welcome to all the nice ladies of
the T Gang.

My drink is in a huge Snowman mug filled
 with a delicious mix of cappuccino and
hot chocolate - just the thing in this cold weather!

For Tag Tuesday, Joan's lovely 'Christmas memories'
 challenge I made a couple of quick snowman
tags. The first one was made with scraps of
DCWV Christmas cardstock and a die-cut snowman
with Stickles. I grew up in London, and was 7 the
first time I saw snow, so building a snowman
was a big thrill, but my Auntie was very cross because
my shoes got soaked.....

The 2nd one was made with scraps from one of my bit-boxes:


 On Saturday we had a nice sunset down by the Rhine:

The Rhine is still very full:

The Nativity in the Basilica is beautiful, as always:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 18 December 2017

It's party time at Simon Monday Challenge

Hi Everybody!

It's time for a new challenge at
Simon Says Monday blog
and our theme this time is
🎇 Party🎇
This is my third and last week as Guest DT
there, and the challenge will be running
for 2 weeks, which gives you plenty
of time to party in real life and to
join in! Thanks again to the great team
there for asking me, and  especially to Lols for her help
and patience showing me how to get the links etc done

 One entry is chosen each week and wins a fabulous
gift voucher!

I  made an A3 journal page. For the background I painted a layer of Gesso and textured it using a swirl design stamp. The figures were made with a home-made stencil and a Faber Castell Big Brush Pen. I used home made acrylic paint sprays to colour the background, and diverse small stencils for the 'confetti'. The lettering was done by hand. I added some ribbon scraps for my dancers to wave.

I'm looking forward to seeing YOUR entry at the challenge!

Some photos from this weekend -

Light and shadow:

The Rhine is full to the brim, but it was good
to see some blue skies:

The St Swidbert basilica:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!