Thursday 17 August 2017

Summer Queen.

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday I have another collaged, mixed media piece, 
about A4 size. I did lots of sewing, adding scraps that were flying about 
on my sewing table. The face is a stamp from LaBlanche, stamped onto
canvas collaged with old paper. For the BG I used corrugated
cardboard, freshly peeled and picked, and then a layer of tyvek,
which was painted, burnt and bubbled. I have called it
'Queen of the summer'

I also made a hybrid version with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi
and am linking to Jo's 'Poetry in Motion' challenge

 For the use your scraps challenge at Tag Tuesday
I have another scrappy mixed media tag - how to clear your table
 without really trying!

Yesterday my buddy G and I went on a little outing
to the other side of the Rhine. First we had to wait for the Ferry,
which was still at the other side:

Here it comes:

Then we drove on. The signs tell you to put the brakes on!

This sign tells people to let cars off first - before bikes and pedestrians:

Another look back at 'our' side:

Then we were off up the ramp to our 'adventures'

Watching the ferry sail away:

Tomorrow I will show more photos, including a sharp-toothed
crocodile we met along the way....

The postcard draw from Tuesday's blog was won by  Kathyinozarks.
I also picked a second name, so another card will be going to
  Lisa Isabella Russo. Congratulations! Please
send me your snail-mail addies via the contact link .

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 15 August 2017


Hi Everybody!

For Jo's theme of 'poetry in motion' at Art Journal Journey and for the
Digitally made Challenge, pets, I have a fun page using elements from
Serif, Mischief Circus and me:


There is still a week left to join in the 'Use your scraps' challenge
at Tag Tuesday. I made a tag using paper off-cuts from one of my bit 
boxes. The image is from June at Dezina World, and was already fussy 
cut in another box. The punched trellis was also left over from another
project. I combined all the scraps using sewing and highlighting
 with a Sacura pen. The bow-tie and hankie were made from scraps of cheese cloth to add more texture:

The photos were taken in Nord (north) Park, which is 5 minutes
away on the tram, and a lovely place for a peaceful
half hour:

The beautiful Japanese garden is my fave part:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 14 August 2017

T stands for Ts galore

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at

🌻In my garden🌼

As always, projects of all formats are allowed, and you have
2 weeks to link your creations to us. Hope to see
YOU there!

I made an A4 mixed media piece. The background was painted,
sprinkled with brushos and sprayed with water. After it had
dripped and dried I added the main image using a paper
napkin sent to me by Yvonne. The birds and diamonds were
stenciled, and the quote hand-written. I am also linking to Jo's 
'Poetry in Motion' theme at Art Journal Journey.

Our 'use your scraps challenge at Tag Tuesday runs
for another week, so hope to see you joining the use-it-up-
scrappers over there.  I used a scrap of hand-painted paper for the 
background, and some black paper from a recycled calendar for
the matting. The image, lace, beading, Victorian scrap and ribbon were
 all in my scrap boxes. I added the rose and the die-cut word. I think the 
image is from Gecko Galz:

Today is also Elizabeth's weekly T stands for Tuesday party, so here 
a hearty welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang.
I have another postcard to give away this week, so if you would like to get it in your mail-box, please tell me in a comment, and I will pick a
name out of the  hat if it's more than one. Last week's card was
won by Erika, and it is on its way:

Recently I visited Duisburg, a neighbouring town with a lot of
interesting industrial pieces, reminding of the town's industrial past.
  Duisburg has the largest river harbour in the world. 
Most of the ships that chug up and 
down the Rhine and pass our little town have come from, 
or are on their way to the harbour there.
I needed to warm up and dry out, and
found a nice cafe to drink my cappuccino:

In the harbour:

There are lots of sculptures there, too:

This wheel was HUGE:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!