Sunday 6 August 2017

The wild swans at Coole

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

For Jo's 'Poetry in Motion' challenge at Art Journal Journey
I have a digital piece using elements from Serif, Mischief Circus and me.
The photo of William Butler Yeats is courtesy of
One of the poems that impressed me at school was this one from Yeats, 
an Irish airman foresees his death, from the collection
'The Wild Swans at Coole'. He had a wonderful way of expressing
himself, and could conjure up an idea using a minimum of 
simple  but effective words.

Some photos from my walks this past week or so,
and some beautiful skies:

Had a coffee at the 'Old Ferry' this week - the ferry and the
restaurant date back to the beginning of the 14th century,
but the coffee is always fresh!

Some trees have already lost a lot of leaves:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 5 August 2017

Rain, snakes and more

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Jo's 'Poetry in motion' theme,
I made a hybrid piece featuring the opening sentences of
Charles Dickens'  'Tale of Two Cities'. These sentences had me 
completely fascinated when I first read the book as a child,
and have remained in my memory every since:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

In my page I have shown some glimpses of Paris and London to
illustrate where it all happened. I am aware that the Eiffel
Tower did not exist at the time of the French Revolution, but I needed
a picture which makes an instant identification possible, so
let's call it 'artistic license' - and if you have never
read the book, please take the time to do so.
I used elements from Serif, Mischief Circus and me.

At Go Tag Thursday the challenge this week is the letter 'S'.
I cut out a snake in the form of this letter, once in black and then 
slightly larger in green card. I sewed them together with a 
snake-like zigzag pattern, and added some dots as well as some 
green gem-stone eyes. The background of the tag was wiped 
with distress inks in gradient colours and stamped. 
The snake was glued on and the top tag 
sewed to  recycled black card.

This week has varied between wet, very wet and extremely
wet. I have been dodging the showers all week. Today was,
however, so wet that I decided to have a crafty day at home,
which I am enjoying. It also means waffles, as you need waffles for
inspiration, they give you instant mojo.

The gulls don't mind the weather:

Wednesday was market day by the Rhine. There weren't many
stalls, I think the weather was not encouraging:

And now to the wonderful stall that sells fresh, crispy, fried fish.  
I was determined not to eat any this week, but as I came out of the
hairdressers after having my hair cut (It's the house directly 
behind the fish pla(i)ce), I sort of felt compelled, my feet just went 
there and I asked for a portion, I really couldn't stop myself - yummy!!!

I saw this sign on a house at the top of the street leading from the
Rhine, well over my head - W.H. means 'Water height'  in the floods.
I hope it stops raining soon!

This is the other market:

Can you see all those peppers?

 Yesterday evening the clouds got darker and darker:

Have a nice day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 4 August 2017

Weekend this and that.

Hi Everybody!
On the 5th of each month we start a new challenge at
More Mixed Media.
All our themes are anything goes, this time with 'bright'
as the option. You have 4 weeks to link your creations
to us. I made an A3 mixed media piece. The BG was
gessoed, painted and sprinkled with brushos,  water and
glitter. The bird was painted using a home made stencil, part of a set
I made of the same bird/branch in different sizes.
The text is from the Beatles's song 'Blackbird'
I have made several versions of this theme over the past
few years, perhaps because I like that song so much.
I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Jo's theme of poetry in
motion, and Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

Some people asked about the little poem on my 'Erika' journal
page yesterday. It was written by me. If quotes are by others I 
usually put their names on the page. Glad some of you liked it!

Here are the remaining photos from my trip to Nord Strasse 
yesterday. It's a journey of about 15 minutes on the tram, and
it always seems like another world compared to our little place
here. I like going on a trip, but I love coming back here each time!

The word 'Drahtesel' on the bike stander means
'wire donkey', a fun word for bikes:

This shop just sells tea, mugs and tea requisites - 
I never went in there, either!

The huge and rather horrible building is from an insurance company:

More little cafés and hidden back yards:

The entrance to the subway - some trams drive overground,
the majority are sometimes over and sometimes

Looking down the escalator:

And the view from the bottom. Then there is another escalator
leading down to the platform:

Waiting for the tram:

Here it is:

And it's always good to reach our road again. Even the air smells
different - less cars and more horses here!

When I see the post box I know I'm home:

Thanks for accompanying me on my little outing!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!