Friday 14 July 2017

It's weekend.

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

For Elizabeth's summertime love theme at
Art Journal Journey I have a hybrid piece using 'my' head
which was been filled with summer dreams....

For Go Tag Thursday, button, I made a sewing themed tag
using a vintage bone button. The image was printed onto canvas,
fringed and sewn.:

And for Wilma's delicious cake theme at Tag Tuesday 
I have another  tag, this time
featuring the unfortunate Marie Antoinette
and a muffin. And there is a button on it, so it is also suitable for
Go Tag Thursday :

Last but not least I have some more views of the botanical gardens:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 13 July 2017

Thursday This and That

Hi Everybody!

We had a really cool and splishy-splashy wet day here - 
it poured non stop, and it was so good to feel some cooler
air and listen to the sound of the wind in the trees and the
rain-drops on the leaves. I am sure the plants will also
be grateful for their water, too!

For Elizabeth's summertime love theme at Art Journal Journey
I have a digital creation, using elements from me and 
Mischief Circus. The words are part of a great song from
Joe Cocker. I made the figures partly transparent to show
them melting in the summer sun in the city,
and the girls look like they need a cool drink. I am
also linking to Paint Party Friday, and Digitally made:

Last week I had fun making some embellishments from plaster
of Paris, and it was even more fun playing with them

I recycled a triangular canvas, which I smeared with
grainy structure paste, pressing  2 roses into it before letting it dry.
Then it got 2 coats of gesso before I could distress it.

I gave it 2 coats of Royal Flash metallic paint in black, and sprinkled
iron powder over it while still wet. When it was dry I used various
rust patinas from Pentart and Ranger to add colour. Some parts were
glazed to make a contrast to the rough textures, and here I used
some metallic waxes from Pentart to give colour.
I am linking my rusty roses to Simon Monday Challenge, distress; 
Altered eclectics both anything goes, and Mixed Media Monthly, altered embellishments.

And I have more photos from my visit to the botanical garden:

I haven't seen snapdragons for years, so was glad to find this
childhood favourite again:

There were also plenty of bees and other insects buzzing happily around:

And an insect hotel:

 These wild artichokes were huge, and looked a bit like
over-sized thistles:

More photos to follow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 11 July 2017

In the garden

Hi Everybody!

Time is flying, it's the middle of the week already.
I have more tags to share today. The first mixed media tag
is for Go Tag Thursday, in the garden. I used a paper
napkin on an 8" manila tag. I added Stickles and tiny gemstones 
to the feathers, and rubbed some iridescent wax over the top half
to make Mr Peacock shine. I stitched the tag to a 
green backing, and added a flower and some leaves:

For Wilma's cake theme at Tag Tuesday I have a digital
tag today - a nice cup of coffee and some strawberry cream
cake, yummy! Hope to see YOU joining us with cake there!

Last Friday I visited the botanical garden with Gunter. It is part of
the Heinrich-Heine-University. This is the huge,  glass-domed
tropical house. Strangely enough, as it was so hot outside, it felt
pleasantly cool inside! The garden round about the dome is filled with 
tropical plants, including palm trees - my first opportunity to
be under palms this year. The garden has sections for flowers,
veggies, medicinal plants and herb, rare flowers and trees as
well as those 'normal' to our habitat:

More photos to follow!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!