Monday 3 July 2017

LoTs of Ts and more for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing all friends on the other side of the Big Pond
a very happy and safe July 4th!

I am linking to digitally made - summer fun/patriotic
and to Simon Monday Challenge, red, white & blue

At TIOT we are stating a new theme on Tuesday -
As always, projects of all formats are allowed,
and you have 2 weeks to join us.
As I am once again in a Klimt and gold phase, I made 2 more
Klimt tags, showing more of his wonderful paintings.
I used lots of gold leafing and metallic paper scraps over (Vivacolor)
gold paint. I sewed the tags onto a recycled card background
and then fixed them with DS tape to kraft bags. The tag ties were
made from fibres and home rolled paper beads. The bags
were meant for some gold anniversary gifts for some friends.

I am also linking to altered eclectics, anything goes.

And you still have a week to join in our beach themed
tag challenge at Tag Tuesday.

At Rhedd's creative Spirit I won the challenge last month with 
my 'vintage' door-hanger, so that was a nice surprise!

Tuesday is of course also time for Elizabeth's
T stands for Tuesday party, 
so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of
the T Gang.

Last week when I went to Zons with Sabine, we had lunch at the
'Torschenke', an ancient pub/restaurant in the gate area.
We sat outside on the terrace and enjoyed a wonderful meal after
perusing these huge menu cards, made with wooden covers
and metal hinges - they even squeaked when they were
opened! I chose a baked potato with sour cream, salad and smoked
salmon, and washed it down with a coke - and I was so hungry
I forgot to take a photo!
Sorry, but there are more food and drink photos 
 in this post!

Inside the restaurant:

You can see more menus on the left of the sideboard:

We drank the coffee later at an ice parlour next door, which was
in a beautiful back yard, where you could enjoy the views over the walls
to the Rhine:

And Sabine had this 'small' plate of waffles with ice-cream, cream,
strawberries and rhubarb. Try it, there's plenty there:

I wandered round the yard and took photos of all the things they have
lovingly collected and placed there:

Sabine looks very happy and contented:

Before we drove home we had some mineral water,
which was served in these pretty, blue-glass bottles:

I will show more photos tomorrow from our walk through
the town and around the ancient walls.
I found this video of Zons on YouTube:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 2 July 2017

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I am re-showing a piece made 
in November 2014:

"Today I was inspired  by Wilhelm Morgner, an expressionist painter who lived from 1891 to 1917, when he was killed in WWI. He lived in Soest, a little town in Westphalia. He knew Franz Marc and Kandinsky, and was much influenced by Vincent van Gogh.

The Blue Sower (der blauer Sämann) from 1911 is one of my fave paintings from him, I have often admired it in the Art Museum here in Düsseldorf.
This is the original, which shows much evidence of the influence of Van Gogh.

I decided to make a torn paper edition of this painting. I tore my paper and glued it to an A3 sheet of paper after painting the yellow sky. Then I sewed as many of the contours as I could. I drew the lines and circles  with felt-pens. 


I seem to have been using stitching in my work for a long time!

This week I got a huge parcel from my lovely friend Donna
in Canada:

It was filled with supplies and embellishments, I feel so
lucky and blessed to have such good friends as Donna.

Here are a few things shown a bit larger:

And when I saw this lovely fabric it called out to me and asked me
to turn it into a journal cover....

Yesterday I visited Zons, a little medieval town not far from here,
together with Sabine.
Sabine collected me, and after skilfully threading her way
through heavy traffic
in Düsseldorf, we arrived at the ferry , with which
we crossed over . Here it is still on the other side:

 The gate house to the town:

Sabine with the bishop:

The lantern looks like it hasn't been dusted off for a few centuries:

Love this lion:

The view from the town back towards the Rhine:

This is where we had an excellent lunch:

A nice way of telling people not to park bikes here!

We had a fun day, which included lots of good food, before
we drove back here, once again with poor Sabine having to brave
Düsseldorf's rush-hour traffic!
Thanks Sabine!
There are lots more photos to come, I will show some
each day. In the meantime, you can read more about Zons here
(English) and here  (German)

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 1 July 2017

Saturday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new month -
time is flying. 
       Happy Canada Day to all my good friends in Canada! 

The month has started out wet and grey here, but we need rain,
so I'm not complaining.

At Go Tag Thursday the theme this week is butterflies.
I made a simple tag by punching the butterflies directly into the paper
and leaving them there. I used gem stones for faces, bodies and 
embellishments. I stitched the layers together and added one of the
tabs Donna sent me:

This piece was made with a freebie set from Mischief Circus/ Holliewood 
and some bits from me. I was just having fun playing:

Some Photos from my daily walks:

And last, but definitely not least, some happy mail. 
A few weeks ago my dearest friend Chrissie and her husband
visited a museum, and sent me an envelope with some goodies
when they came home - some pretty papers, a lovely card, 
some vintage postcards, and a gorgeous, hand-painted
leather book mark painted in the same technique
as the old barges:

Thanks Chrissie and Vic!

I have more photos to share, from a 'care-packet' I got from
Canada, and from a wonderful trip I made yesterday with
Sabine, and will show them bit by bit in the next days!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!