Friday 9 June 2017

Tags and peacocks

Hi Everybody!

For Michele's challenge at our Tag Tuesday, with the 
theme of animals, I made a triptych of animal
themed mixed media tags with an African feel.
I found this painted background under many layers
on my table, which I  cleared off this week. (Yes!)  I chopped it into
3, added the motives with stencils and black paint,
and highlights with my sakura pen. The middle one got
some added rusty diamonds so I could play with my new
goodies again. They each measure 9 1/2 x 4 1/2"
I sewed them onto some recycled black card.
And you still have till Monday evening to join
the challenge, for which a prize is being given.

Yesterday I visited a children's farm in Neuss - an old farm, made into a
petting zoo/ museum/park. A friend was kind enough to drive me there,
the weather was good, and we spent several hours meeting all
the animals. The peacock was the first one we saw. He lives with his
 'harem' in an enclosure, which they share with a few very pretty ducks.
It was hard to get photos as the wire fences blocked the view a bit,
and I had to poke my camera through the holes:

Isn't this duck gorgeous?

And I even got a feather that was on the floor!
More photos of the animals and the rusty, old implements and
toys and household goods etc
will follow in the coming days, so watch this space!
Needless to say, I had a wonderful time,
and big thanks to G for taking me there.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!

Thursday 8 June 2017

A man of words and more

Hi Everybody!

Last week I bought some new goodies from LaBlanche shop.
They also had lots of special offers, including these large
door hanger sets made out of chipboard, which 
only cost 1€ each, so I stocked up on several different ones
at that price. I gave it a base coat of cream coloured
acrylic paint, used structure paste through my diamond
stencil to give some texture, and then collaged various
bits and bobs of napkins. The man, I'm calling him
Sir Jasper, was given an extra coat of brown paint. I added 
the diamond shaped rub ons and then crackled him
with Deco Art crackle. When it was all dry I rubbed
some soft gold paint into the cracks, round the edges, and 
onto the hanger itself. Then I added the
decorations, some of which were rusted with the
wonderful iron powder and oxidation mixture I showed in
my last post. The suitcases are a chipboard sticker which
was gifted me, I roughened the edges and then rubbed some 
gold into them. And there's a story to go with it:

Sir Jasper is a kind gentleman, but has always
been extremely forgetful, and has a bad habit
of being late. His mother bought him 
an XL pocket watch to hang from his lapel so he
he at least always knows the time. He needs to catch
a train to London in 2 hours time, and is searching
for the key to open the safe, which contains some valuables
he must take with him. Unfortunately he cannot remember
where he hung the key. Will he remember in time to
finish packing and catch the train?
What do you think?

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin,
and to Simon Monday challenge, masculine. 
(Happy to say I was in the designer spotlight there last week).
I am also linking to Altered eclectics, anything goes, 
and Rhedds creative spirit, anything goes

For Rosie's challenge at Art Journal Journey I did some
digital playing and came up with this fun piece:

At the end of our road the town gardeners have once again
planted a wild flower mix on the little patches of earth
where the roads meet, and they make a lovely sight:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Everything but the kitchen sink....

Hi Everybody!

It's a wet and stormy day, but quite welcome after the
very hot and humid days we have had. I was afraid I might blow
away with my umbrella, like Mary Poppins,  but it just tore the
umbrella and I got wet - refreshing!

Last week I got some
new goodies, including some iron powder and oxidation
medium. I used my diamond stencil with some structure
paste and then sprinkled the iron powder over the wet
paste. The oxidation medium was daubed on when it
was dry. The A4 page was a brush wipe one with some added
stamping. I added lots of the flying bits and bobs from my table
to collage it -fragments of old letters, books, paper napkins etc.
I splashed it with some white paint and did a bit of stitching
 to finish it off. And BIG thanks to Yvonne and Sandy for the
paper napkins!
I am linking to Art Journal Journey,
Rosie's theme of circles, and Paint Party Friday.

For Tag Tuesday, Michele's lovely theme of animals, I made
a digital tag, which I am also linking to Digitally made challenges:

Yesterday and today we had lots of clouds racing over the sky-
I love to watch them:

The evening sun lights up the trees:

And the moon was beautiful as always:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!