Tuesday 23 May 2017

Some digital play

Hi Everybody!

Today I have had a fun, digital playtime, so no
extra mess to clear up in the kitchen - it's so full just
now that I must tidy up before starting something new!
For Tag Tuesday, our theme of anything goes,
I made a bird tag. These are the little birds that wake
me day for day at 4 AM when I would like to sleep!
I am also linking to Digitally made challenges.
It also fits our new theme at TIOT, feathered friends.
The digital elements are from Mischief Circus, Serif and me.

For Art Journal Journey I have another completely digital piece, 
using digis from Mischief Circus, Gill and me

These are the photos taken on top of the gasometer in

And some more photos taken inside:

The gorgeous owl was opposite the table we sat at
to drink a much needed cup of cappuccino:

The sunrise has been wonderful each day, I don't miss
a thing as the birds wake me....

I was very sad to see the news about the terrible attack on a
concert for kids and young people yesterday evening
in Manchester. My heart goes out to all those affected
by this tragedy.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 22 May 2017

Coffee, cake and birds

Hi Everybody!

Today is another busy blog Tuesday, so I'd better get started
right away. At TIOT we are starting a new challenge
🐤-Feathered Friends-🐦
As always, you have 2 weeks to link up to us, and projects of all
formats are welcome.
I made two birds from old book paper, gave them wings
made from black tissue and added some feathers
and googly eyes as embellishments. They flew all
over my living room and looked at everything:

I am also linking to 2 crafty critter crazies

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so
here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.
Help yourselves to food and drink!
Last week I baked 2 large fruit crumbles to take to the clinic
on my last day, one with sour cherries:

and one with mixed, fresh fruits - enjoy! I like to serve them warm,
with vanilla ice and whipped cream:

And coffee is being served, although I do have lots of different
tea-bags on offer!

On Thursday and Friday we had changeable
and stormy weather, but a nice sunrise:

Met this snail on a garden wall:

And I never knew there were poppies in this colour!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 21 May 2017

Sunny Sunday

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Today I am sharing the rest of the lino prints I
made last week. Once again they are A3 size. This one was part of 
a series I made some years back with the theme of masks:

For Go Tag Thursday, tape measure, ruler, I made a tag
and was able to use up a sheet of designer paper which
I have had for more than 10 years. I am also linking to Tag Tuesday, 
where our theme is anything goes:

And now we are going back to the gasometer in Oberhausen.  In the 100 meters high space you can view the world as normally only astronauts get to see it.
There is a huge 'globe', 20 meters in diameter, onto which pictures of the world
showing various seasons, day and night etc are beamed. The pictures are shown with 58 million pixels, which gives an incredible detail. The video shows how it was made. The text is in German, but it is worth looking at just for the pictures:

There is an arena with seating all round, and you just grab a
huge bean bag, lay back, and watch the world turning:

We then took the lift to the very top of the gasometer and
enjoyed the view outside. For me, the best views were through
the glass walls of the lift taken on the way back down:

All in all, a wonderful experience. More pictures to come tomorrow.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!