Monday 1 May 2017

T sTands for loTs of This and ThaT for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Tuesday is always a busy blog day, and this one will be no exception!
We are celebrating a new challenge at Tag Tuesday,
2nd on the 2nd, so I am trying to pack it
all under one hat today.

At Tag Tuesday our host this week is my lovely friend Chrissie,
and her theme is faces.
I made a mixed media tag, using a corrugated cardboard
substrate, which was gessoed, inked and
embossed with Frantage EPs. The image is my version of 
Modigliani's painting of Max Jacobs.  I  'cased' a whole
row of his wonderful portraits a couple of years back.
Here the image was digitally cut out, and placed onto
a grungy background - a piece of an old wall by the
castle ruins, onto which I superimposed some
Hebrew lettering. I sewed all the layers together, and added
some studs and a Ticket made with 2 TH stamps.
If you look  closely you can see I stamped it 
upside down, perhaps so that Max can read it?! I am also
linking to Go Tag Thursday, where the theme is tickets.

Here I would like to welcome all the nice ladies
of the T Gang.
For Elizabeth's TSFT and for 2nd on the 2nd I have a
hybrid piece made a year or two back. The sunshine in my cup has to
be coffee!

Last Tuesday we were given a tour of the old buildings of the
Diakonie. Florence Nightingale was a student nurse here.

The old Chapel has been modernised inside, which makes it 
very light and airy. I love the contrast between the old, wooden fixtures
and the white simplicity:

The gardens were beautiful, too:

The tour was a little (lot!) longer than anticipated,
so some of us skived off and went to the ice parlour....
This time I'm showing the mug of tea one of the others 
was drinking:

And before I forget, a quick reminder that you still have a 
week to join our 'transport' challenge
at TIOT.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 30 April 2017

Sunday post

Hi Everybody!

It's been a sunny day here, albeit very windy, but I enjoy
wind, so it was fine with me.

I made this mixed media tag using recycled 
cardboard last week. I used various scraps of paper
napkins and old letters/ books. The background was painted
 and embossed with Frantage, and everything was sewed together:

There's a new challenge starting at digitally made.
Thanks for the tip, Annie!
I didn't think I would manage to get something done, bit I did, so here it is.
Everything needs to be completely digital.
The Digis are from Mischief Circus, serif and me:

The pictures were taken on my walk yesterday:

I spied a heron on the field when I was going down
to the Rhine. It was good 50 yards away, but I hauled it
in with my zoom:

This bird had grey feathers and a rose-pink breast, I have
no idea what it is. I waited some minutes,
but it would not turn round:

I love hawthorn:

This little cutie didn't mind having his
photo taken:

Have a good week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 29 April 2017

It's weekend!

Hi Everybody!

It's a three day weekend, the sun is shining, and it's neither 
freezing nor raining today - wonderful! 

Today I am sharing a mixed media A3 journal page
made at the art group. I used a vintage image, which
I printed out in sepia and fussy cut. The background was
gessoed, painted with acrylics in sand and ocker, and textures
with a brayer. I used a TH die-cut 'waste' as a stencil and
painted the tree. The birds, numbers, Hebrew alphas, diamonds
and spots were also added with stencils, using burnt sienna
paint with a sponge. I added 2 painted strips and my quote - finished!
I am linking to Simon Monday challenge - numbers, and to 
Moo Mania, faces.

Photos taken from the veranda of the art room at the clinic:

Beautiful flowers everywhere:

The Protestant Church:

More of the wonderful 'meeting' benches in the
garden of the care home:


Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!