Sunday 26 February 2017

Spring is on its way - I hope

Hi Everybody!

I met a bunch a strange people waiting for the tram to take
them into the town for the carnival parades Today.
One group, all men, were dressed as 'Queen Elizabeths',
all beautifully decked out in pastel colours, wearing tiaras,
carrying handbags and skilfully made up - they looked

I have another  12" mixed media tag to share, this time made for
Go Tag Thursday, turquoise and brown. I used some DP
for the background, and cut some cogs from cardboard, which I painted with turquoise and embossed with Frantage EP. Tim's bird branch was cut out twice, Once in turquoise and once in brown, and placed over each other so that a narrow brown 'shadow' remained. I used some nature decorations mixed with fibres and fabric roses in turquoise. I sewed the various layers 
together again.

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, transport - cogs and the bird transporting a branch.

These rusty statues are in a garden near the castle ruins:

The ruins have decked themselves out in spring flowers:

The buds are getting bigger:

The hospital gardens are full of crocuses:

 Some shops are decorated for spring:

The lingerie shop has added carnival masks to the shop-window
mannequins, which gave me some very surreal pictures:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 25 February 2017

Weekend this and that

Hi Everybody!

I enjoyed watching the day grow light and a beautiful
sunrise again this morning, but there was a thick
frost on the fields, and there's definitely
a nip on the air. But the buds are growing bigger
and the birds are singing loud and happy,
so I hope that means that spring is on its way!

Today I made a simple tag for the transport
theme at Simon Monday Challenge. I wanted to use the die-cut 
balloon and cogs that dear Gill sent me in her wonderful
parcel. But I also wanted to make a balloon out of material,
so I sewed some little squares together, (thanks Chrissie) and 
cut them into a circle form to fit over the die cut.
I sewed 3/4 of the way round, and then 
pushed some padding into it to make it round. The 
background is a 10" craft tag, which got a quick coat
of cream coloured pain from Pentart, before being
collaged with stencils, a gift from  SandyI left the 
edges rough so that you can see the crafty BG. 
The wonderful quote is from Leonardo,
 and the threads for the tassel were pulled from a piece
of linen when I was fringing it. I sewed the whole thing onto
some recycled black  card from an old calendar.

I am also linking to More Mixed Media, anything goes.

Last night the clouds were rose and gold from the reflected sun:

Sunrise was beautiful:

Jack Frost had walked over the fields:

The buds are growing:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 24 February 2017

Friday morning sky

Hi Everybody!

The storm seems to have blown over, and it took quite
a lot of trees and branches along with it. Today is
cool and clear and the sun was shining again, so
that was good.

Some of you may have seen this mirror when it was on my untidy
table being altered:

I remembered to take a photo almost at the beginning. The paper in the middle was just to keep the mirror from getting too dirty:

I threw lots of different scraps, pastes, paints, crackle etc at it:

And here is the finished result. The idea was to look at it first thing
in the morning to improve my attitude:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday.

 The sky this morning was beautiful:

Wishing you all a great weekend!
Have fun, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!