Monday 6 February 2017

All the Ts for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

There's lots going on again today. It's Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday;
it's time to remind you that you still have a week to 
join in the 'hearts and flowers' challenge at TIO,
and at Tag Tuesday we are starting again
as a challenge blog, where everybody is welcome to join
in. Our first theme is 'Bookworm', chosen by Chrissie.
The first challenge will hopefully go live on Tuesday at 6 am GMT.

My tag is a little book-tag, 4"x3". The front and back were made 
with images from a collage sheet - sorry, 
don't know who they were from -, 
and glued together to make a cover. I added some Frantage 
distressed copper EP to make them look nice and sort of oldy-moldy.

The inside covers were covered with DP, and the pages were cut from 
an 18th century book. I was once given a huge box of rather moldy 
religious books from this time, complete with 
worm holes, corners nibbled by mice and lots of moldy pages. 
I threw out the bits that were too ghastly to use, had the rest
treated to make them hygienic
and now have a life-long supply of  18th century pages....
I sewed the book together and wrote a quote on each
page, adding a couple of vintage images from CI. I rubbed 
some cream coloured soft paint from Pentart 
onto the pages with a soft cloth, to give a 
usable surface. I sewed in a bookmark, too:

There will be a giveaway at Tag Tuesday, and all who join in with a
tag come into the hat,and have a chance of winning this little book
 and some crafty stash.

I am also linking to More mixed media, anything goes.

This piece is meant as a reminder for TIOT, and for Linda's
'50 shades of red' challenge at Art Journal Journey. I drew the grid in my new journal,
painted some squares red and stamped some hearts and flowers.

And last but not least, a hearty welcome to all of the T Gang.
Today there's lemon cake, so zingy and fluffy, and
cappuccino, so help yourselves Ladies!
Elizabeth is allowed 2 slices as she organises everything!

And just 2 sunrise pics today, this post is already tooooooo long!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 5 February 2017

Cardboard play and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
I am having a lazy day, crafting,  drinking coffee
and not much more!

I have another mixed media tag to show today. I started off with a piece of cardboard, which I partly peeled and painted. Cardboard picking while watching TV is the new knitting! Then I stick every thing which is 
within my reach onto it - scraps of paper and paper napkins. 

Here it is almost finished:

And after some sewing and adding some words and
flowers it was done!

I am linking to 'More Mixed Media', anything goes and optional red, and Stamps and Stencils, texture, crackle and paint, and
Country view challengesunder 30 minutes 
( I had 1 1/2 minutes left over!) ,
altered eclectics, anything goes, 
young at heart, as this is how playtime makes me feel!

This morning got off to a good start:

In the other direction by the stream there was lots of mist:

The sun decided to hang out with us today:

Here a photo taken yesterday when I was stamping and painting
coffee-pod papers for use in various projects:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 4 February 2017

Rusty horses

Hi Everybody!

It's chilly and windy here again. The sun stuck it's
head out this morning and then bogged off,
probably gone somewhere else where it
can shine brightly.
 I am sharing a hybrid page made with some elements from
Itkupilli. I think I'm in a bird phase just now.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Linda's lovely theme
of '50 shades of red'

And I have a mixed media tag, 11", made from various layers of
dictionary paper, corrugated cardboard and packing paper, with collaged bits and bobs, and sewed together:

This morning's sunny half hour:

My amaryllis got top heavy and fell over, so I had to cut it off and put it into a heavy, crystal vase, so it won't topple again:

These photos were made especially for dear Elizabeth. They are on
the edge of an industrial 'park' as it is euphemistically being called,
I hope the poor horses on the meadow don't get too
disturbed by it. I love how the old horse shoes have been used:

And some more photos from my sunny walk on Friday:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 3 February 2017

This, that and the other.

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend at last - enjoy!

I made another mixed media tag, once again using recycled cardboard,
scraps, paper napkins, embossing and sewing.

 I am linking to Go Tag Thursday, anything goes and to
Country View Challenges, under 30 minutes.

And some good news! I discovered this wonderful chocolate called
'Collage' at my local store. Now you can eat your delicious way through
a collage, that's a great art form, isn't it?

The sun made a nice show of rising this morning,
then wrapped itself up in thick clouds and
went back to bed!

The second amaryllis shoot has 5 buds which are
opening rapidly:

Love seeing people sitting and dreaming by the river:

I love this neighbour's house, they always have a vase of fresh flowers on their porch, and I enjoy them every time I go past:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!