Friday 27 January 2017

A beautiful sunrise

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, and the weekend is
almost upon us. The sun is shining again after a
wonderful dawn sky and sunrise, and I
was able to get out for a walk again -
not as far as usual, but there will hopefully be time
to get back in training when my bones have healed. There
is still ice and snow outside, but I was very careful -
I don't want to make a habit of  kissing the ground!

I have been enjoying playing with corrugated cardboard,
craft card and scraps of paper, fabric, feathers 
and whatever I find flying around. 
For my 12" tag today I used the spine which fell off of 
one of my old Muret Sanders Dictionaries. They are from the
beginning of the 20th century, and have a beautiful binding, but the 
leather parts are completely porous. Anyway, I decided to make it part of a tag:

The tag was first painted and embossed with Frantage
aged white EP. The doll has been cut from a pattern I have,
and her crown is a castle stamp from Paper Artsy, which I
 embossed with gold Utee. I added some burlap, a 
sentiment and stitching:

I am linking to Go Tag Thursday, 'ephemera'.
I was honoured to be showcased there this week.

Here is one of the dictionary volumes. Please feel free to copy the images and use them as ephemera:

And last but not least some photos of the 
magnificent sky this morning:

And my pride-and-joy amaryllis:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 26 January 2017

More this and that

Hi Everybody!
This week is flying by again, and today we even have
wonderful sunshine - so nice after the grey and gloomy
days. My ribs are still sore, but I went out for a short walk today,
and it was great to be by the Rhine again.
I do not like stopping home all day and have
been rather stir-crazy these past days, but the main
things is that my barbecued cracked ribs
are healing. And it did give me lots of
time for being creative!

One of the things I made is a box canvas, 12 x 9 1/2". It had already
 been painted before, and I wanted something new. I
worked it over using scraps of paper napkins, 
torn pieces of old letters, stamps from an old
passport, and loads of paints, sprays, German glass 
glitter, crackle glaze,
various Frantage embossing powders, 
and some lovely pink and green iridescent waxes 
from Pentart. I had great fun playing with this.
I added the transparent photo of a man and his
son. I don't know who they are, let's just say the represent
all who have somehow passed through the
world, written those letters, used the
passports etc. The photo is just a shadow or 'shade'
of them all. Friday, January 27th is the International
Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Erika's wonderful theme
of 'Tell me a story', Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.
and Simon Monday Challenge, spread your wings.

The third flower is opening up on the amaryllis:

The ferry looks freshly scrubbed:

The fishing raven was there:

This boat has my initials:

Ice at the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Blow, blow thou winter wind....

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's wonderful theme of
'Tell me a story'
I have a hybrid piece, once again featuring
Leonardo - da Vinci and not Di Caprio!
Here I have also used some elements from Mischief Circus:

 This week I made a 3 dimensional wall hanging (12x6"), using recycled 
and partly peeled corrugated card as a substrate.
 I sewed it onto a strip of old jacquard material which had 
a wonderfully shabby and fringed out edge, which I made use of. 
I have some progress shots further down.
I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge,
spread your wings:

After the gesso had dried I started applying the scraps of
paper napkins, brushing them into the ridges:

I also added some other images:

Then I pasted some cardboard with the same butterflies as used in the
hanging, cut them out, and glued springs (from old
ball point pens) to the reverse. The antennas were made with gold wire:

I gave them a thick coat of triple thick varnish and left them overnight to dry,
before fixing them over their counterparts on the hanging.  I used hot glue for fixing the springs:

Here it is hanging in my arty kitchen. When the window is open
they start to flutter in the breeze - fun!

Outside is still cold and wintry:

And I'm thankful for fresh fruit in winter, and was
delighted that this clementine was still sporting a leaf:

By the way, the title is a Shakespeare song from
'As you like it', you can find the text here if you are interested.

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!