Sunday 6 November 2016

Monday Mix

Hi Everybody!

For Susi's theme of collage with a twist at Art Journal Journey 
I have another hybrid page. The orange background is part of a page in my 2nd new journal, placed onto a water colour background with a filter. Then I collaged the headless lady and the text, the blue something in place of her head is part of the background. The digital bits are from Mischief Circus.

Yesterday afternoon the wind chased the clouds across the sky:

And this lovely sunrise welcomed me when I got up this morning:

On my walk I saw some strange fungi:

These ones look like gone-off yeast dumplings:

Most of the trees have lost nearly all of their leaves:

The bridge is good 20 minutes walk away, but I zoomed it in 
and it looks like it's right here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 5 November 2016


Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, Susi's fun theme of collage with a twist,
I have another hybrid piece. The background is a gelli plate print I made back in September when Susi was visiting. I stamped the little boy in the rain (LaBlanche) with Archival black. I placed it digitally on a water coloured background, using a filter to pep up the edges, and added the embellishments. The poor child's face has been censored as faces are on the no-go list at AJJ this month!

We had 2 nice days with sunshine this week:

 The farmers were making the most of the good weather and
harvesting root veggies, accompanied by
swarms of seagulls:

 Autumn is still showing itself in lovely colours:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 4 November 2016

Life is a collage

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, where did the week go?

For Susi's  fun collage challenge at Art Journal Journey -
no faces, no leaves, no wings, I have a mixed media/hybrid collage.
The background was made with painted over book pages. The figures are home cut templates. The mask and frame were added digitally. I like the thought of life being a collage, because that means we can add to it, change it, make it colourful -it's up to us to make it as good as possible.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

The K21 art museum is housed in a beautiful,  old building which used to be the home of the county parliament. It is set in a lake called the 'Schwanen Spiegel' (swans' mirror'):

Inside it has been rebuilt, and I love the way it has been done. It gives such a great feeling of space and light. By the way, there are lifts for those who don't like climbing stairs!

This room had a sound installation, rather scary:

On my way home I passed by this building, with the reflection of the old
'Stahlhof' (Steel Court)

I zoomed in to get the ship on the roof:

I will show more pictures of the art there in the next days.
Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!