Friday 7 October 2016

Time to Fly South

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer, and for Moo Mania and More, drips and splatters, I have a double mixed media page in my second 'new' journal, which is now nearly finished. The background was brayered with left over paint, and then sprayed and dripped. The images were stamped, and are from Lost Coast Designs and Artemio. I gave them some colour with water colour paint. The birds are from a Dina Wakely stencil. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

Last week I went on the tram again into the centre of Düsseldorf - not a place I really love - but I wanted to see how things are looking these days. The bridge here spans a stream which used to be part of the fortifications of the town in the old days. Now it flows through the middle of Königsallee, one of the most exclusive and ridiculously expensive streets in Germany. For anybody who has money to burn, this is the place to do it in style! But I do like the view along the water and the lovely statues:

The shops all have security inside and out so that the wealthy feel safe while spending their money there:

There are lots of restaurants where you can sit and enjoy your coffee at twice the price it costs anywhere else:

But I do like the lanterns, and the street has a lot of flair from the trees and the water:

The shops are mostly along one side, the other, quieter  side is filled with banks, lawyers, insurances etc. I was recently asked if we had any big buildings here in the town - this is one:

I like the lion:

And the girl playing ball, from the beginning of the 20th century, is really beautiful:

Is this art? or a giant thing to hang coats on? Any suggestions?

But I do like how old and new has been combined here:

I will show the rest of the photos from my tour in the coming days!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 6 October 2016

From the middle ages to modern times

Hi everybody!

We are still enjoying sunny days here, although it is much
cooler and really feels like Autumn.

For Art Journal Journey, Indian Summer, and for Paint Party Friday,
hosted by Eva and Kristin, I have a mixed media-hybrid piece. The background was painted, stamped  and sprinkled with brushos. The head was cut from water-coloured, brusho-ed and dripped paper. I put them together digitally, adding some more digital elements and photos. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More drips and splatters.

The photos are from my recent trip to Neuss. This is the 'Obertor', the second of the  town gates from the middle ages. On the right hand side there is a bridge across the road, connecting the tower with the Clemens-Sels-Museum on the other side.

Inside the museum there are collections from the stone age, the middle ages, the Romans, and a good selection of modern art, among other things - here I am showing just a few of my faves:

From the second floor of the museum you can cross to the tower, using the bridge. I took the photo from there, through the window, hence the reflections:

Then you go up and up the spiral staircase:

There is a great view of the old water tower:

And you can look down onto the tram lines of the modern town - it was fun to be standing in the middle ages and looking out:

There are still more photos, but I will keep them for another time.
Have  great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Drips, splatters and autumn colours

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at

-Drips and splatters-

As always, you have 2 weeks time to get inspired.
Projects of all formats are welcome,
so let those creative juices drip and get splattering!

I made a hybrid piece, using a painted  and dripped background with some digital extras. It is also meant for Art Journal Journey, Indian Summer:

This is the original background:

Our theme at Tag Tuesday - also chosen by me - just happened to be
autumn colours, too - what a coincidence!

It has got colder here, and feels more like autumn but we are still enjoying blue skies and lovely mornings:

The row of little 'moons' are the lights at the airport:

The Rhine is very low just now, and the wild geese are spending a lot of time

These photos were taken last week in the 'Altstadt' of Düsseldorf:

This tower is the last remnant of Jan Wellem's palace, now 
a museum for ships:

 One of the restaurants along the Rhine:

This is a clock which shows the amount of water in the Rhine as well as the time:

Here it's showing 1 meter 20, which is extremely low:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!