Friday 19 August 2016

Weekend mix

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, I have a hybrid page. The hollyhocks were painted, digitally cut out and placed on a photo background.

The moon was bright:

The day started off well:

And some impressions from my walk:

The walnuts are growing nice and large:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 18 August 2016

Lazy, hazy days of summer

Hi Everybody!

Time is flying by, and the week is coming to an end,
which means it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin,
and Art Journal Journey, which Gill is hosting for us this month.
This week I spent a lot of time walking along the shore of the Rhine and through the fields, picking flowers, picking up stones and feathers to bring home, and watching the other people, boats, birds and animals who were out and about. It's good to be able to enjoy the summer days.
I painted the flowers very loosely, using just three acrylic colours - red, blue and yellow,  a large brush, and my fingers, not trying for definition or details, just having fun. I gave the finished painting a digital frame and added the sentiment. I am linking to 'Nature's wonders' at AJJ.

And here is another of my birdie doodles, once again, just for fun and keeping my fingers busy while watching TV!

The pale moon rising silently through the trees was wonderful to see yesterday evening:

A wonderful sunrise which called me from my bed his morning:

Love the shadows on the fields - they are growing longer, which means Autumn is slowly creeping up on us:

The crows and herons are enjoying harvesting:

I wasn't the only one out walking:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Mid-week mix

Hi Everybody!

I had a great time with my cousins on Monday, they are really nice 
people, and we got on well, and have plans to see each other again.
I had 10 minutes time when I collected them from the station, so used the time to take some photos of the square behind the station and the mall inside. Not really my world - too loud and too many people for my taste, but interesting to see
here and there. Some people asked about the recipe for my spice bars yesterday - I will  post it next Tuesday for TSFT.

For Art Journal Journey, Nature's wonders, I have another
hybrid page, using a water-coloured background, an altered photo of the Rhine taken from one of the castle windows, a mask, and once again the photo of my little crow, who seems to live in the ruins:

The square behind the Main Station has a lot of giant metal sculptures, which have unfortunately been defaced with stickers and graffiti.

Can you see the man up on the roof?

The old stone reliefs on the left and right of the entrance remind us of the steel industry which was so important here for many years:

Lots of places to spend money, although not my taste and much too expensive:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!