Saturday 16 July 2016

A corner of paradise

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, in my garden there is - Yvonne's lovely theme - I have another hybrid piece. The main part of the picture is the side entrance to Schloss Kalkum, a moated castle near here. I love going through that door, which is really like an entrance to another world, a corner of paradise. I placed it on a background made with a piece of canvas and some floral images. I added more of my bird photos, and some digital elements from Mischief circus.

Yesterday we had blue skies as well as grey,  as well as clouds and sunshine:

I love to peek into this entryway to one of the houses here:

The crow was sitting patiently waiting for breakfast:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 15 July 2016

Saturday this, that and the other

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend already - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, in my garden I have another hybrid piece, made up of a painted background and a rather ghastly what-should-have-been-a-flower painting, put together digitally with an added mask and quote: 

This was the mixed media background:

And this the 10 minute painting, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, perhaps I shouldn't try painting at 3 in the morning when I can't sleep!

This is the tag from Tag Tuesday, where our challenge was 'a row of houses':

And I just have some photos of the early morning to share, the others taken on my walk are still in the camera:

I love to stand on my balcony and capture the morning sun, it is something so special.

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 14 July 2016

Gardens and more for Friday

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by and it's time to start thinking about
Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always by Eva and Kristin.
And each and every day is a good time for Art and Art Journal Journey, so here we go again. Our theme is still 'In my garden', hosted by our wonderful Yvonne.
I made a hybrid page using a painted background, a doodled bird and some digital add ons from Mischief Circus and Dezinaworld. I recently heard Joni Mitchel's lovely song about Woodstock on the radio, and that was the inspiration for this page:

(Text (c) Joni Mitchel and Sony Corp)

I spent a lot of time doodling again this week, and discovered a new bird living here by the Rhine, the seven-crested wellie-wader. I think the recent increase in rainfall encouraged him to come out of hiding. The bird sitting on the branch on the right  is the yellow-crowned warbler, who has fallen in love with the beautiful wader....

We had heavy rain again yesterday, and lots of clouds, but also plenty of sunny intervals which were just right to walk around here:

Happy Horses:

The ancient mulberry tree is still going strong:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!