Wednesday 8 June 2016

These boots.....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.
We haven't had any rain or storms here today, but other places still got hit hard.
I hope things will soon get back to normal.

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I have another journal page. The boots are my fave boots, I just altered the colour here a bit. In real life they are grey! The vintage map is courtesy of Wikipedia.

Last week I got some happy Mail from Carolyn. She always makes extremely beautiful and arty cards, and has a lot of wonderful Japanese stamps, which she used to make this wonderful card.

And in the card this lovely stamp-set:

Thanks a lot Carolyn!

I enjoyed my walk today, it was sunny, and the flowers are growing well:

This sign-post is slowly being reclaimed by nature:

I love how the contrail seems to be exploding in the sun:

I walked through some gardens near the Basilica:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Wednesday this and that

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I have another hybrid piece.
The Matisse ladies were fussy cut and placed on a splattered blue background. Then I overlayed it digitally with a vintage map (Wikipedia) and added the sentiment.

We had more storms here this afternoon. This morning when I took my walk I saw that the level of the water in the Rhine is still high, and has not yet started to recede:

The accordion player and a few other musicians always sit and play on Sundays and holidays:

And on Sunday there was a flea market. A lot of the shopkeepers joined in and sold off things from their shops at competitive prices, and a lot of private people also used the chance to clear out their unwanted junk treasures. It was strange to see so many people around on a Sunday.

On the way home I was able to admire the poppies in the fields:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 6 June 2016

Of maps, men and coffee beans....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has started well. We have had less rain here, although there are  lots of storms about. The Rhine is still high, but hasn't risen more, so that's good.

Today, Tuesday, sees the start of a new challenge at TIOT
It's all about him, so we would like to see you linking your masculine cards, pages, projects etc. All formats are welcome, so please get your thinking caps on and join us - you have 2 weeks to upload your work. I made a mixed media journal spread in my 'new' and already almost old journal:

For Mary's theme of Maps at Art Journal Journey I  made a coffee map (map courtesy of Wikipedia). I added the map to a photo of coffee beans from my stash, and then my fave drink, a cappuccino with Amerettinis - yummy! Today is T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's, where our posts have to be food and/or drink related. So a big hello and  wave to all of the T Gang from me!

This is the 'Schiffchen' (Little Ship) restaurant here by the river. It is very expensive, so I have to content myself with admiring it from outside:

On Wednesdays we have a Dutch Fish Stall, where they sell delicious, fresh fish to take home to cook, or you can eat yummy fishy snacks directly by the stall. They sell wonderful, crispy fried fish, which is my fave, and occasionally I treat myself to a piece, and then walk the few yards to the Rhine to eat it:

On the other side of the market is a nice, pub/restaurant, where you can sit inside or outside, and the prices there are reasonable.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 4 June 2016

A bird's eye view of the world

Hi Everybody!

My journal page for Art Journal Journey, maps, has been inspired by the French expressionist painter and sculptor Georges Braques, who lived from 1882-1963. Together with Picasso he founded the cubist movement. My favourite paintings though are his birds. I made templates some years back, and have used them again here, on a dark background which has been sprayed and splattered with bright colours. I then digitally overlayed the painting with a map (Wikipedia), and added the sentiment.

The water in the Rhine is still high, but hasn't risen since yesterday. The top mark here shows the height of the water in 1795 - good 6 metres higher than it is just now, which must have been an absolute catastrophe.

I love the reflections on the water:

This boat was too large to fit into my photo:

Mr Blackbird:

My Jay:

A hungry magpie:

And Mrs Blackbird:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!