Friday 22 April 2016

It's spring, spring, spring

Hi Everybody!

Just a short post this time, today ran away too quickly!

This is  a  spread in my new journal, with a 'spring' theme. This was not originally intended for a challenge, but it reminded me of the 'Spring, spring, spring' song in the film 'Seven brides for seven brothers', which was shown back in 1954. I made a mixed media piece with my two spring chickens who have evidently fallen totally  in love with each other.

Linking to Art Journal Journey, for the record.

And some photos of today's breathtaking sunrise:

Thursday 21 April 2016

Walk like an Egyptian

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by, and once again it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin,  and Art Journal Journey, for the record.

My inspiration is a song from 1986, sung by the Bangles -
Walk like an Egyptian.
I think this is a song which would normally have passed me by, but back then we made a trip to England with 2 school classes. The song was a big hit,  and one which the kids sung time and time and time again on the long coach journey to London and back home.... In London it was just as 'in', and everywhere we went we saw youngsters moving around with strange arm and leg movements, as they all wanted to walk like Egyptians....But the best thing was a sign I saw outside a Church.  It was the week before Mothering Sunday, and the sign read:
'Walk like an Egyptian - bring your mummy to Church on Sunday'

I made a hybrid page using a mixed media painting made last year

This week I allowed myself some time out. I felt I needed to make things without thinking about themes, challenges and other people's ideas, which are good, but sometimes limiting. So I have started a new A5 journal, where I can just journal the first stuff that comes into my head,  using my ideas, texts, etc. I got quite carried away and have already made 20 pages, so I had fun! 

Today was wonderful spring weather, sunny but cool, and great for walking. After my physiotherapy I walked 13700 steps, so I am sure that did me good. My knee is getting steadily better, and the physiotherapist is helping a lot, even though the treatment is sometimes rather painful.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

For the Record

Hi Everybody!

My page today for Art Journal Journey, For the Record, was inspired by Elton John's 'Candle in the Wind', which he sang in Westminster Abbey at the funeral
of Princess Diana, who died so tragically back in 1997.  The background is one of my photos taken from my balcony.

And here is the song - get your hankies ready!

We had a sunny day, not too warm, but lovely for walking:

Roof repairs:

And then I was horrified when I saw that the four trees in the square by the Basilica were all being cut down. They were so beautiful, and were planted to represent the four Evangelists. They are supposed to be diseased and not safe, and sooner or later new ones will be planted, but I was very sad to see the little stumps that were the only remaining parts at the end:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

New Challenge at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -
Projects of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks
to link your creations to us - hope to see you there!

I used recycled cardboard (14x18cm), which I peeled and painted white. I added scraps of vintage written and printed paper and some gilding flakes. The images were cut from a prospect, and the flowers were also recycled from old decorations. I found a scrap of white jute and a few fibres which the bird can use to build its nest....

My apartment faces east, but in the evening the setting sun peaks over the rooftops and lights up the trees and clouds:

And the gibbous moon was bright in the sky:

This morning the sunrise was beautiful again:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!