Friday 25 March 2016

Saturday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today has been a wet and drippy day, so I stayed home, made some nice food, read, slept and kept my nose out of trouble, which was all very enjoyable.

I had fun playing with the stencils I made some time back for my 'Nanas', the wonderful, rounded forms immortalised by Niki de Saint Phalle.

I placed them on a rusty background and let them dance around with some lacy shadows. 

This is another of my 'hospital' doodle faces, which really helped me keep sane there - doing nothing is not really my thing!  I am linking to 99 faces (Number 91). By the way, somebody told me that the doodle faces don't really look 'real' - well, what a surprise!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have a hybrid piece combining lots of photos with digital elements:

The trees were dripping wet all day, tomorrow is supposed to be better!

Not even the birds were were in their tree.....

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 24 March 2016

Faces and places

Hi Everybody!

I've been busy resting yesterday and today, taking time
to put my feet up, read and relax, and
it's doing good!

Time is flying, and soon it will be Friday, so here is something for 
Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.
I have made some hybrid Modigliani knock-offs, re-using paintings I made some time back and setting them onto new backgrounds. This background is made of large sheets of white packing paper, painted with stripes of acrylic and metallic paints. I got sent a present wrapped in a piece of something similar, which inspired me to make my own, I just find it so hard to actually use it! The quote is also from Modigliani:

I am also linking to 99 faces (numbers 89 & 90):

And I am showing another of the graphite stick drawings I made while in hospital, once again just faces and doodles, made to help the time pass when I couldn't move myself more than an inch or two.

The photos were taken yesterday by the Rhine, on my way to the doctor's office. It's still cold and grey, Spring seems to be hiding! I have a wheeled walker so I can walk easily and safely just now, and it is a big help for me.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Waiting for spring....

Hi Everybody!

Today was my last day at the Rehab /Boot Camp. I have learnt a lot,
the pains and swelling are less, and I am hopeful that
it will get better and better in the coming days and weeks.
I still feel very exhausted, physically and mentally, and need to take things
a bit easier in the next few days.

At Moo Mania we are starting a new challenge today -
I was hoping that we would be experiencing spring weather just now, but it seems to be a long time in coming!
 I made a hybrid page using a photo taken out of my kitchen window, 
and the pot of hyacinths is also from my kitchen window ledge. I added the windows and trailing plants digitally.

We are looking forward to seeing your spring creations there, so hope to see lots of you linking your work. Projects of all formats are allowed, not only 'moos'.

And for 99 faces I have another doodle drawing - number 88 - made in hospital.

And last but not least, some spring pictures taken one year ago:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Monday 21 March 2016

T stands for Tuesday This and That.....

Hi Everybody!

Tuesday will be the last day at Rehab/Boot Camp for me.
Today I got assessments from some of the therapists, and they are all very contented with my progress, as I am too. 14 days down, just 1 to go!!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have another hybrid piece using a poem written back in 2008 or 9, which I also made into a book back then. I will re-show it when I have the opportunity. The background was painted with acrylics and has lots of drips and runs. I added the mask and figures digitally.

Today is time for T stands for Tuesday over at Elisabeth's blog, so welcome to all the T gang. A friend sent this lovely quote in the mail, so I think it is most appropriate for this occasion. My drink is, as always, coffee.

Here is another double page with pencil drawings and doodles, also made while I was in hospital. I am linking to 99 faces, this is number 87 - nearly there!

The photos of the herons and storks were taken last year in spring, it was such a wonderful event to see them striding so majestically over the meadows
 by the Rhine. We do have a lot of herons here, but the storks are really rare hereabouts:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!