Saturday 23 January 2016

Sunday mix

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
I am feeling better now after the OP from Thursday, and trying to gather strength for the next, big knee OP in February.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I made another hybrid collage.
The background is a photo taken at the meadows by the Rhine when we had snow. I added some little shadow pics, and the photos of the plane and the horse. The kids and snowman are digital add-ons, as is the snowflake frame. I love mixing real and fantasy this way.

The morning sky is always beautiful, and I have only ever seen this shade of blue
while dawn is breaking.

The plane has just lifted off from the airport:

Took this one through the kitchen window, the sun seems to be heart shaped.

Another huge ship:

This little robin was also enjoying watching the ships:

The gulls were following along in the wake of the ship:

An early bird waiting for his worm:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 22 January 2016


Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have a hybrid page using a photo of my wonderful dog Scruffy, taken on holiday in Austria many years ago. She always loved snow!

I have a huge stash of 12x12" papers that I have not used for various reasons, and now I am using them as backgrounds for faces etc. This is face 55 for our challenge 99 faces. I used water colours and acrylics.

I never tire of seeing the guns sunbathing:

The name of this one sounds promising:

Have a great weekend, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 21 January 2016

A crow on frosted leaves Number 2

Hi Everybody!

The week has flown by! Time again for Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland. I made another piece following on the one I made last Friday, but this time using a canvas (18x18"). I was inspired by the rusty leaves left over from Autumn that were so beautifully coated with frost  in the past weeks. I re-used an old canvas, using rust and various metal patinas, with lots of added texture from reflex pearls, embossing powders (Utee and Frantage), mica and gilding flakes, and scraps of vintage, handwritten paper.  The leaves were cut from paper, painted with acrylics and embossed with Frantage EPs. The crow was painted onto cartridge paper and also embossed, cut out and collaged. I enjoyed making this.

We have had several sunny and cold days this week, and I enjoyed being out and taking my photos. Here are some of the ships from this week:

The sun made a rainbow on the field:

This gull seemed to enjoy posing for the camera:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Frost and Frida

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid page. The background is part of a painted and crackled mixed media piece, and when I enlarged it I thought it looked like ice, so I used it here. I added a snowflake frame and a quote from William Blake.

At Moo Mania and More our theme is famous people, I made  a collage with Frida Kahlo and her husband Diego Rivera. The background is a photo of Frida's studio, which I overlayed with a page from her Journal, where she wrote, 'Diego, I am alone'. Frida was stamped. I added the wings, the shadowy Diego and the bird digitally.

Today was another cold and frosty day, and I was surprised to see the farmer cutting the winter rape seed. It was a strange feeling to be out in icy temperatures with the fragrant smell of freshly mowed grass....

I saw a huge fungus growing out of this rotting tree stamp, and as I went nearer, I saw there was a little animal in the left hole. You can see the 2 white points of his eyes.

The water at the Rhine has receded further and is almost back to normal:

But there is still plenty of ice and frost:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!