Saturday 24 October 2015

There was a crooked man....

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey, architecture, I made another A3 journal page. Last month when I was thinking about what to make for AJJ the rhyme about the crooked man in the crooked house wouldn't go out of my head. So I decided to make a page with it, with a simple cartoon sketch:

Some of the old houses in Kettwig were also a bit crooked, as were the streets and steps, but much lovelier than my poor drawing!

A lot of the lampposts were also decorated:

Windows showing what's inside and what's opposite:

Beautiful doors:

Wishing you all a beautiful weekend!
Take care, have fun,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 23 October 2015

From Witches to Watchmen

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by quicker than a bat on steroids, and it's Friday again.
For Art Journal Journey, Architecture, and for Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, I have another journal page. I used one of the photos I made at the castle last Sunday, changed the colour to make it night, and made a witchy scene. The moon birds are from the paper Seamstress via Gecko Galz. I added them digitally to the photo. I then pasted the photo onto an A3 page painted with a mix of black gesso and blue paint. I added some blue with pastel chalks around the scene to soften it into the night. The tree and bat are TH die-cuts. The little skellie is from Sizzix. I dropped his head under the kitchen table and decided to leave it there.... The witches right and left were made from scraps of cheese cloth and witch's hair coloured with grey DI. I added some glitter and stars, a bottle of poison and the 31. The cat was drawn with black ink.
I had fun again!
I am also linking to Anything but cute, Halloween and to
That's crafty, haunted Halloween

For 49 Faces and Kim Dellow's Friday show your face, I have revamped a face I painted last year. I overlaid the face with a sheet of printed paper, which I made transparent. The clock and tree etc were added digitally. (Clock -unknown, tree - Samhain from Daisy-Trail, leaves - Algera design). I think this is number 49, I always have problems counting!

These photos were some of my faves from Kettwig, it is a wonderful little town and well worth a visit:

I love the Night Watchman:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 22 October 2015

Halloween architecture and more

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, architecture, and of course for Halloween, I made another A3 mixed media page. The central part is one of the photos I took at the castle on Sunday, and I added a few little flying creatures to it. I painted the edges of the page with a mix of green, brown and orange, and added some die-cut and textile leaves. The tree and fence are TH die-cuts, and were painted and distressed with DI. The little book of spells can be opened and closed. This was a fun make!

And here are some more photo impressions from Kettwig:

On the way home we visited a little farm, where you could buy eggs, home-made jams, apples, potatoes etc. The produce is in the porch of their little house, you weigh your apples, count out your eggs etc and put the money in the letter box. I love these little trust shops. They were also selling home made Schnapps, but anybody who wanted that had to ring the bell and prove they were over 18 before they could be handed a bottle!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!