Saturday 22 August 2015

Time now and then

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend already, have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey, time, my private 49 Faces challenge with Susi,  and Kim Dellow's Show your face I made another face. 
This time I tried for something different, as lately I have been making a lot of sweet and flowery stuff, and sometimes I need a change.
I had an appointment at the doctor's this morning, and saw  the inspiration to this face in a magazine. I didn't have my camera with me, so tried to memorize it as well as possible, and made a sketch as soon as I got back. Then I used a black Edding pen to draw it onto an A3 page. I coloured it with water colours. I went over the glass with some white chalk to make it look glassy. The verse is from ! Corinthians 13, and I thought it fitted well to the time theme:
Now we see through a glass darkly,
Then we shall see face to face.

The  sculpture in the park is almost covered up by the plants just now:

The restored chapel:

I love walking through the fields along the Rhine. The grass was freshly mowed, and the crows were out in force to get their share:

And I can't resist beautiful shadows:

I was awake very early, and sat on my balcony from 5.30 onwards watching the  sky brighten and the sun rise.

Can you see the plane coming down by the rising sun?

Shadows on the curtain:

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 21 August 2015

Take Time Out....

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, this week has galloped by again.

For Art Journal Journey, time, and for Paint Party Friday I made another A3 mixed media page with a rather masculine touch. I am also linking to 
stamps and stencils, time flies.
The page was gessoed and then sprayed with vintage leather from my tattered angels. I stenciled some diamonds and a clock and cogs with vintage photo. I collaged an eclectic mix of bits and bobs. The two gentleman were created with a home made stencil.

We had wonderful weather today, warm and sunny and not too hot, so great for a long walk. 

I walked down the road to the next village, and saw this vintage car:

And a few yards further I looked over the fence and saw this lovely scene:

The headless couple were still sitting in front of the café:

When I turned down towards the Rhine I was pleased to see that some of the lovely old houses are still standing - so many have been pulled down and replaced by soulless concrete blocks:

The old couple are still sitting in front of the little old house next to the memorial.
The other 2 seem to be real, as they were walking!

The text on the house means 'our little old house', written in the local dialect.

I will show the rest of the photos another day!
Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 20 August 2015

Roses for a lifetime

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday evening the skies started to clear up, and this morning the sun decided to show itself again. The rain was really necessary, but it's nice to be able to go out without an umbrella again.

For Art Journal Journey, time, and for the Faces challenge which Susi and I are making, I have another face - Number 3. My neighbour looked at it and said it looks like Grandma's wallpaper - well, I think he's at least a little bit right!
The background was made with some rose stencils. I got a whole packet of  different stencils from Ebay for 5€ including postage, so wanted to try some of them out. I used colour box inks in 2 colours on an A3 page again. The face was drawn with pencil and went over the lines with water colours. The dragonflies were stenciled with Archival black. Perhaps it's Sleeping Beauty peeping out through the roses after waking up.... The quote is 'If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be picking roses for a lifetime'.
I am also linking to Kim Dellow's 'Friday Face art.

The day started off with beautiful skies:


On my walk I visited the flowers which you can pick yourself and put the money in a tin. Last week they were looking rather sad, but the rain has really done them good:

I noticed this Art Nouveau face under the eaves while passing a house here today - it fits well to our 'Faces' theme.

Thanks for all the nice comments on the photos I took in the Altstadt and Harbour last week, I will try to go on another little outing next week.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by.