Sunday 21 June 2015

More masculine and feminine

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, masculine and feminine, I made another A3 mixed media page. The background was collaged with newspaper print, painted with gesso, and stenciled in fired brick and soot black using various stencils from CWS, Home-made and Unknown. On one of the stencils beautiful has been written as 'beautyful' - ugh! The image of the runner has been collaged with mod-podge. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, numbers.

My early morning visitors were not happy that there was no white bread this morning and they were forced to eat seeds and grains like common birds!

 We had a cool, cloudy and windy day again:

As always the flowers in our little town brighten my day:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 20 June 2015

Feminine and masculine

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy it!

For Art Journal Journey I have another A3 page for our masculine-feminine challenge. This was made from half of the underlay sheet on my table. I always try out stamps, colours, stencils etc on it, and thought it was  a shame to throw it away. I gave it a thin coat of gesso, then used black paint applied with a sponge for the Dina Wakley moon face stencils. I used some scraps to make them some pink accessories. I was thinking about some of the sayings we used to get told as kids - 'Pink to make the boys wink', 'pink for a little girl and blue for a boy' etc. and used a stencil (sent to me by Teresa - thanks Sweetie) and pink India ink for the quote.

This is another of the quick sketches made in the ice parlour this week - this is the waiter, a friendly and smiley chap who always seems to be in a good mood. I am linking to Kim Dellow's Friday face art:

And on my walk I saw feminine and masculine trees again:

The flowers were growing on a scrap of waste land

A peaceful corner of the Hospital grounds:

Flowers growing down by the stream:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 19 June 2015

Birds, Beasts and Humans

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by and it's Friday already -
where did the time go?

I have made another mixed media piece for Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine, Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin; Moo Mania and More, Numbers and Kim Delow's Friday Face link.
I  painted an A3 sheet with gesso, and stamped into it while wet with a flourish stamp to texture it. The Stencil of Einstein was printed over a photo of one of his notebooks, fussy cut, and placed on the page, surrounded by lots of stenciling, especially numbers. The quote is from Einstein and very fitting for our masculine-feminine theme.

I treated myself to a cappuccino at an ice-parlour this week, and sat outside, watching the world go by, and sketched some of those round about. I used pencil, and worked them over back home with charcoal and pastel chalks. This girl was sitting there with a friend:

I will show the others in the course of the next days.

I met various animals, birds and insects while out and about.
The young rabbits were not at all shy:

This huge snail was oozing its way over the path after a rain shower:

This looks like a punk caterpillar:

I Googled it and found out that it feeds on nettles and turns into a peacock butterfly:

This dear little raven was sitting on the grass in front of the castle ruins, squawking for his Mum to come and get him:

He's looking up to the window where his anxious parent was also squawking at him (or me?)

I think it must have been his first outing all alone.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!