Monday 18 May 2015

Stormy seas and quiet paths

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have made another page. I used an underlay page on which I had distressed a lot of edges, This gave a shape like peaks, which made me think of a stormy sea.  I swiped some blue, green and purple paint over it and spritzed some white onto it. There were also some little squares of mosaic stuck on it from a piece I made recently, I left them, as here they have become things flying around in the stormy wind.  The image with the sailor is a vintage cigar label, I just cut out the text, so it looked as if he is standing on his ship steering. I used a sponge to put some white paint round him to look like spraying water.
The quote is from a hymn we used to sing at school, written by William Cowper  in 1774.

And some photos from my walks today:

 Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 17 May 2015

Vintage flowers and hungry birds

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

Today I have another mixed media piece to share. I used another of the round Camembert-cheese boxes. This time I gave it a quick coat of gesso, and then used a small diamond stencil to add some texture with structure paste over part of the top and sides. It was  then painted  with Vivacolour rust paint. I sprinkled Frantage vintage EPs in gold and copper over it and heat dried it. I used some patina cream from Deco Art to add more definition.

I recently got given a bag of dried flowers and seed pods to use as a decoration. I took a few out of the bowl and gave them some blobs of acrylic paint and then dipped them into Frantage gold EP:

The butterfly was crackled, distressed with the Deco Art patina and also dipped into Frantage gold. It curled a little when I heated it, which gave a wonderful effect:

Then I used my heat gun to put it together to make a little vintage garden.
I am linking to  Mixed Media Monthly, May flowers; Anything but cute, vintage garden, and to Moo Mania and More, Flowers

We saw the sun for a few minutes this morning, but that was it; the rest of the day was cold and wet.

Chocolate Chip muffins are good as a sunshine substitute, so I baked some today, as my neighbour was celebrating her birthday.
(Sandy, you wanted to see food again!)

And today the female Jay came and got food for her brood, but not before she had had a big row with her husband and sent him back to the nest!  She is darker than her Mr, a little larger and can eat much quicker than he can! She also has a crest of feathers on the back of her head, looks a bit like a punk!

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 16 May 2015

A Mermaid, green leaves and a cheeky jay

Hi Everybody!

Wish you all a good weekend!

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have made a page with a mermaid.  The background was gessoed and then painted with my bristly brush, splodged and glittered, and then stamped with a crackle stamp for more texture. The head of the mermaid was made using the moon face stencil from Dina Wakley. Her body was made with some glittery ribbon left over from a Christmas present. I outlined her and doodled the bubbles with my wonderful white pen. I doodled the fishes, too. Her hair was made with some fibres, and I found 2 real starfish and a silver fish charm as embellishments. I am also linking to Art Journal Every Day

After a chilly night we had a wonderful sunrise:

I love being out just now, it is so good to see green everywhere:

I love these almost hidden gateways:

My cheeky jay was back every few minutes to get food, I think he s feeding the kids just now!

I always love walking along the old 'Bastions', the fortification walls:

And there is a wonderful view to the buttercup meadow where the moat used to be:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!