Friday 15 May 2015

The sea, the sun, the moon and the river

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, where did the week go?

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, and Paint Party Friday I have another journal page to share. The background was painted with blue, green and a remnant of gold left in the ink bottle. I drew 'my'head with my white pen. The ship (LaBlanche) was stamped with embossing ink and white embossed, the gulls were collaged and the smaller birds drawn.  The fish was also collaged. The poem is from Thomas Love Peacock.
Also linking to Kim Dellow's Friday show your face.

I woke up about 4 AM this morning, and sat on the balcony wrapped in a blanket, and watched the dawn and the sunrise. The waning moon crescent was also hanging in the sky, seen from my perspective it looked like it was hanging in the tree.

The weather was quite chilly, but sunny, so enjoyable for walking.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 14 May 2015

Recycled roses

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well!

Today I have a mixed media recycling project to show you. I used one of my round Camembert boxes, I hate having to throw them away. A friend is celebrating her birthday next month, so this will be just right for putting a voucher in. I painted the box with off-white acrylic and used a diamond stencil to make a pattern over part of the top and sides with structure paste. When it was all dry, I gave it another coat of paint and sprinkled it with Frantage shabby white while wet and embossed it. I glued some hand crocheted lace around the part of the rim that was not stenciled. I added grass, some of my dried roses, some flowers, leaves and a little angel - finished. I am linking to Moo Mania and More, flowers; anything but cute, vintage garden and The mixed Media Monthly challenge, May flowers.

We had a wonderful sunrise today. I suppose one of the perks of not being able to sleep is getting to see lots of sunrises!

Some pics from today's walk:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all well and fit and are having some good weather.
Here it was rather hot and sultry today, but we did have some
spectacular clouds, which I always love.

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have made another mixed media piece. The background was painted first with gesso, and then with various blues and greens using a wide, hard brush, and I stamped into it while wet to make a crackle pattern. I also added a little bit of fairy dust. I added more colours with Gelatos. I used the rising bubbles stamp from Ryn Tanaka, stamping several times with embossing ink and white EP. I added the quote, and that was that. I love the scratchy effect in the background, made by the rough bristles.

The day started off with wonderful clouds

I discovered these beautiful poppies growing by the wayside

The banks of the Rhine are full of plants and flowers

The horse chestnut is in the grounds of the Marien Hospital, as is the statue

I love the wisteria

Lily was sleeping in her little cat-cave

And Lucky was trying to tell me something....

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!