Monday 16 March 2015

Geese and ducks

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good! It was a cold and grey day here, but it did stay dry, so I was able to walk to Schloss Kalkum and visit the geese and ducks, which was very pleasant.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings,  I have made a fitting journal page, this time with geese in love. The sentiment is short, and this time in German. 'Gans verliebt' (Goose in love) is a word play on 'Ganz verliebt' (Totally in love). I drew my  geese on a painted background, which was also stenciled with various patterns and birds. After drawing the geese, I painted them with gesso, and water colours, adding shading and details with Gelatos and gel-pens when it was dry. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, poultry, and Simon Monday Challenge, animals

This duck was sitting on the bridge over the moat:

This beautiful chap tried to hide in the grass when he saw me:

This lovely grey goose was out for a walk in the park:

The northern wild geese always look rather snooty:

And this duck up on the turret was evidently aspiring to higher things:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Things with wings and signs of spring

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Here is is still very cold, but we didn't get the forecasted snow and rain, so that was at least something!

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings, I have made another journal page. What else? For the background I used a water coloured, sprayed and dripped background from my ready made ones. I added more colour with Gelatos to bring in some light and sunshine, I like putting a layer of white under and over the colours to make them more luminous The fairy queen is under water, and surrounded by lots of little winged elves. The Fairy queen is a stamp from Geck Galz. I used gel-pens. white highlighter and Gelatos to add colour to the figures, and stickles for the wings, and  added some scribbling and doodling.

The sunrise today was rather hazy, but still lovely

Lots of trees are starting to sprout leaves:

The ducks were bathing, as usual

And this dandelion just needs a bit of sun before it opens up

The crow was looking for worms for breakfast

Have a nice weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Poultry again

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend to you all.

For Art Journal Journey, Things with wings, and Moo Mania and More, Poultry, I have made another journal page. I used images from the graphics fairy, water colours, gel-pens and my lovely Gelatos. The cockerel also got a layer of Stickles. 

Today I visited a place right at the opposite end of the town, and had a walk through the village and the fields:

There were lots of wild geese walking around the fields

I saw quite a lot of these birds, they are about the same size as the wild geese, but I have no clue what they are - does anybody know?

Just got some information from one of my readers that these are ruddy shelducks (Rostgans in German) - thanks Sarah. 

The wild geese enjoyed marching around.

The wings of those ducks are amazing with green, black and white bands.

Have a nice weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 13 March 2015

Happy Birthday Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, have a good one!

Paint Party Friday is celebrating it's 4th birthday, so thanks to Eva and Kristin for hosting every week. 

An optional theme this week is to make a self portrait, but I didn't have enough time, so I am re-showing one made a couple of months back for a challenge at Art Journal Journey, as well as my piece for 'Things with wings'. This was worked with water colours, Gelatos and Gel pens.

The self portrait was done in pastel chalks over a background made with acrylics.

I wasn't happy with it, so I digitally chopped it up and recombined the pieces digitally to a collage. Sometimes I would be quite happy if something like this was possible in real life!

This morning started off sunny but cold after another frosty night.

This made me happy - new leaves, a little sign of spring.