Thursday 12 March 2015

Things with wings and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good day!

Today I have another journal page meant for Art Journal Journey, Things with wings; Moo Mania and More, Poultry; Simon Monday Challenge, B is for...Black sheep; and Mixed Media Monthly, Birds of a feather. The background has been painted with water colours and then sprayed, dripped and stamped. The idea was inspired by a postcard which I had years ago showing 2 cockerels, one with a plastic comb on his head. The card is long lost, but I have used the idea here.  The image on the left is from Gecko Galz, and has been fussy cut, collaged and given extra colour with felt pens and Gelatos. The chicken on the right was drawn and painted with structure paste, which I bubbled with a heat gun to give more texture, before painting it in grey and black water colours. The head, tail etc were coloured with felt pens, and the comb was drawn with black ink. I added some colour along the bottom edge with felt pens, and did some random background stamping and stenciling. This was another fun make!

After a frosty night today started out cold and mist, but in the course of the day the sun came out, although it stayed cold.

Here you can see the new trees which were planted this week to replace those which were detroyed in the big storm 'Ela' last year.

The world always looks better when the sun shines:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

A new theme at Moo Mania and More - Poultry (Federvieh)

Hi Everybody!

 Hope your day went well! My day went so quickly that I have the feeling that I didn't get anything done, apart from reading, sleeping and a walk this morning.

Today a new challenge is starting at Moo Mania and More - Poultry (Federvieh). You have 2 weeks to dream up nice creations and link them to Moo Mania, where all formats are accepted.
My journal page is for MM and M and for Art Journal Journey, things with wings. I water coloured the background, added more colours with Gelatos, and stenciled the flying birds and other background patterns. I placed my Cockerels (Image from Gecko Galz, applied with an image transfer) opposite each other, added colour again with Gelatos and felt pens, and stamped some plants and flowers in the foreground. I am also linking to Mixed media monthly, Birds of a feather

Today started off cool and very misty

The mist lifted, but left us with drizzly weather that wasn't really nice for walking

The ducks didn't seem to mind, though.

Have a good day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Owls, a tag and a ferry.

Hi Everybody!

After the lovely sunshine of yesterday it was disappointing to wake up to a misty, white world again this morning, but I am sure the sun will come out again sooner or later.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings I have made a journal page with owls today. I think the stamps were from My tattered angels, but I am not sure. The background was painted with gesso, blue water colour and Gelatos. I stamped the circles with my stamp from Hein Design, and the squares directly with the ink pads. The owls were stamped with archival black and embossed with EP extra fine. I made them glow with white and yellow Gelatos, and added some colour to their feathers with twinkling H2Os. For the quote and outlining I used a white pen.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'Framed'. I used a TH metal frame and glass slides to frame a photo from Erika, a distant relation, taken about 100 years ago. I added a muse token, and mounted the frame onto a tag made from a scrap of card leftover from some book covers made last year. It is cardboard, textured with tissue paper, painted, and covered with scraps of old letters and gold leafing.

Yesterday we used the good weather to cross the Rhine on our beautiful ferry.
Lots of people, bikes, cars etc were also out and about to enjoy the sunshine.

 The captain was sitting on the bridge

We had nice views of the basilica, castle ruins and mill from the ferry:

We walked a long way along the shore on the other side and saw an UFO!

It came nearer, and we saw there was really a man sitting in it, who waved to us all:

 Rather him than me up there!

Is that  a crocodile in the Rhine....

The captain brought us safely back across the river again, and it was an enjoyable afternoon.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Monday 9 March 2015

Birds, Sun and Mary Poppins

Hi Everybody!

We had a sunny and warm weekend here, which was very pleasant. I walked a long way today, and enjoyed being out and about. Hope the weather was kind to you, too.

Today I have another journal page for Art Journal Journey, things with wings, to share. I used a painted background, to which I added more colour with Gelatos. I dug out lots of bird stamps - from Catherine Moore, Tim Holtz and LaBlanche, and stamped them with archival black, embossed with black EP extra fine. The plant stamps are from Artemio, and the sun from Hein Design. I love the circle stamp, as it can be used for so many things. Mary Poppins is from Lost Coast Designs. Here they have all joined together for a happy flight, perhaps over the rooftops of London. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, blackbirds, Simon Monday challenge, B is for... Birds in my case, and Mixed Media World, anything goes.

The day started off again with a wonderful sunrise:

I walked to Schloss Kalkum, and saw some sheep on the way:

The wild geese were everywhere today:

The castle looked nice in the sunshine

This afternoon I went out with a friend, and the sky over the Rhine was wonderful:

We came back home as the sun was just beginning to set, and ate masses of chocolate biscuits washed down with coffee - an enjoyable Sunday. I will show the the rest of today's pictures tomorrow, it's late and I want to sleep!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!