Wednesday 28 January 2015

Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping safe and well in spite of bad weather in some parts of the world. We had a cold, showery  and grey day here, but it could have been worse!

For Art Journal Journey I have another piece for 'inspired by the masters', and my inspiration was once again taken from Ellen Jackson's woven art, patchworks and mosaics. For my project I used small squares and strips of hand-marbled paper and fragments of old letters from the 1930s. I arranged them on a black card background, and matted it with some DP. The quote I have used is, 'Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world my come to being' from Teilhard de Chardin. These fragments of old letters tell the story of people who were forced to flee from Germany under the Nazis. They are unfortunately not complete, as many parts of the pages have disintegrated. I decided to use the remaining fragments - after copying the originals - in my artwork.

We have a new challenge starting today at Moo Mania and More, 'Masculine'.
You can join in with all formats of art - cards, ATCs, Journal Pages etc, not just Moos, and you have 2 weeks to join in!

I made a card using an image from Gecko Galz, from the collage sheet, 'The smart dressed man'. The mustache was a present I got in a set some time back.
The sentiment is on a separate, moo-sized card. I used some textured gold cad as matting.

It was cold and damp outside today, and I enjoyed watching the water birds at the Rhine again. The Rhine looked rather choppy today, we had a lot of rain yesterday. 
The heron sometimes stands as still as a statue:

This duck was watching the others swimming

The gulls sitting on the jetty were cheeky as always:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Inspired by and Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today it rained all day, and the rain washed away the snow and gave us lots of dripping trees, soggy paths and huge puddles.

For 'Inspired by the Masters' at Art Journal Journey I am sharing an attempt I made to catch the style of Toulouse-Lautrec. I made this last year for the first 'Inspired by' month,  but never got round to showing it. I used oil pastels and water colours in my Giant Journal. Afterwards I made a second version with less gaudy colours, but I can't find it - it seems to be hiding under one of the many heaps of stuff here!

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is feathers. Last week I bought this feather brooch in the thrift shop, fixed to a hat. The hat is nice, but I can't imagine walking round wearing these feathers, so decided to use them here. I distressed a tag with rusty hinge, spiced marmalade, wild honey and crushed sage DIs, and stamped them with some autumn leaves using the same colours, and used some punchinella as a stencil. The feathers are from a wood-grouse, and for some reason I always associate them with autumn....

This is the tag without the embellishments.

The birds all looked rather sad today, sitting around in the wet trees. and were happy to come here for some food.

The puddles have turned into swamps again:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 26 January 2015

snowy weather

Hi Everybody!

We had another cold and snowy day here. This morning it was very icy underfoot, but in the course of the day it got a bit easier. I enjoyed my walks, one along the Rhine, and then through the fields and along by the lakes with two friends this afternoon.

For Art Journal Journey I was once again inspired by the woven art of  Ellen Jackson. I am really getting addicted to weaving paper and fabric scraps! For this woven collage I used strips of hand-painted paper, some gold card, some printed/written strips and some fibres. I mounted it onto some mirri-card in dark grey, and matted it with some terracotta coloured paper. The quote I have written is from Chief Seattle, and is one I find very memorable.  Mirri card is unfortunately hard to take photos of, and my shadow is reflected on it.

The morning sky was beautiful

And here some impressions of my walk through the snowy landscape today:

Gabi and Karina enjoyed their walk this afternoon, too, and afterwards we made fresh waffles with hot cherries and coffee - yummy!

Have  a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 25 January 2015

The Nebra Sky disc

Hi Everybody!

Brrrr, we had a cold day here. It started snowing early this morning, and caused havoc on the roads as usual. I went into town to meet a friend, the trams were running late, and there was snow and  ice everywhere.  It stopped snowing after a few hours, a lot has melted away, but we are expecting minus temperatures during the night, so it will be icy tomorrow.

For Art Journal journey I was inspired by an artist who lived 3600 years ago. I don't know his name, but he created the wonderful sky disc of Nebra out of bronze and gold. 

This is the original:

(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)
The sky disc is one of the most important archaeological finds of the past century. It shows the world's oldest known depiction of astronomical phenomena. Features of the night and day sky are mixed against a background of an abstract representation of the starry sky. Between the horizons, a ship is making a nocturnal journey across the heavenly ocean. The sky disc lets us glimpse our ancestors' knowledge of the course of the universe and its religious interpretation 3600 years ago.
For my journal page I painted an A3 sheet with a mix of blue and green metallic paints and added some bronze patina. Then I spritzed gold ink onto it to make the stars. The heavenly symbols have been cut from gold leaf. The Hebrew text is the first verse of the Book of Genesis, 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth'

Some pictures of the snow taken from my balcony this morning:

These pictures were taken yesterday afternoon. The hawk and a crow were sitting in the tree, and the crow was making a huge noise squawking at the hawk. Then the hawk flew off,  followed by a loudly squawking and protesting crow - too funny!

Have a good day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!