Monday 12 January 2015

Modigliani, ducks and moody weather

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend.

Today the weather was a bit quieter after the past stormy days, and we even got some glimpses of the sun today, so that was nice!

My inspiration for Art Journal Journey today came from  Amedeo Modigliani. He is best known for his portraits of his long necked ladies, but I was fascinated by this portrait of Paul Guillaume, painted in 1916. Guillaume was an art-dealer and collector in Paris, and his huge collection can be viewed today in the Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris. This face fascinated me because of its strangeness, and the way the eyes are painted. It makes me want to know more about why Modigliani painted him this way.  I used an A3 brush-wipe page, which I stamped, spayed and dripped. I drew and painted the face onto paper, using water colours, pastel chalks and charcoal, and glued the face to the background after it had been cut out. I wrote a quote from Modigliani around the head because I found it fitting: 'When I know your soul, I will paint your eyes'.

Today I walked to Schloss Kalkum to visit the ducks. I saw this hunter and his dog on a roof near the castle.

This tree always flowers in winter:

The ducks looks like they are standing around gossiping - perhaps they were!

The sun kept trying to find a way  through the clouds

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 11 January 2015

Fallen Angel

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.  
It was another wet and stormy day here, but at least it wasn't cold. This morning we even saw the sun for a few minutes before it decided to shine somewhere else. I was out and about and very busy all day, so am looking forward to a good sleep tonight!

For Art Journal Journey, Inspired by the Masters, I have been inspired by Banksy, and have used a stencil ( from his 'fallen angel'. The wall is a photo which I have digitally altered, and here I cut part of the wall away to reveal the other side, as I have called my journal page 'Both sides of the wall'. Some can flaunt expensive evening dresses while visiting exhibitions, others are down and out. Not everybody lives on the sunny side of life. The background pictures were collaged, the stencil image was worked with various shades of distress ink. I have once again worked on an A3 page.

This was the glimpse of the sun over airport city this morning:

After that it was cloudy and grey all day.

The Rhine is still very full

I didn't walk along the shore this morning!

And my fave corner was deserted

And last but not least, some photos from Lilly, who always looks good, even late in the evening and early in the morning....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 10 January 2015

Beuys meets Mondrian

Hi Everybody!

We had a wild and stormy day here today, I think it was the same over most of Europe. I went for a walk this morning, but the wind was blowing so hard along the Rhine that it was difficult to stand still, and I couldn't hold the camera steady. Let's see what tomorrow brings. I managed to keep myself well occupied at home with various sewing and craft projects, so no problem, and I got a bit of extra exercise on my stepper.

For Art Journal Journey I have made a project inspired by 2 artists, Piet Mondrian and Joseph Beuys.  Mondrian was a Dutch painter, and Beuys came from Krefeld, a town on the opposite side of the Rhine to where I live. He was also Professor at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf for many years. Beuys made a lot of very provocative installations, and his trade mark was his hat, which he always wore. He gave many autograms with his hat and signature.
I have made an A3 piece. I gave it a coat of gesso, and then divided up the colour fields and painted them in red, yellow and blue acrylics, leaving 5 white. I made a stencil from Beuys' hat, and drew it in the white fields. I added quotes from Beuys and Mondrian  along the right and left edges. Beuys was certainly a great character, but on the whole I think I prefer the art of Mondrian. I forgot to draw one of the black lines before I took the photos, but I have now rectified it!
I am aslo linking to Mix it Monthly, colour blocking.

 (Images courtesy of Wikipedia)

The Rhine was very muddy and swollen again:

Have a nice day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 9 January 2015

Father and Son

Hi Everyday!

It was a very wet Thursday here, never stopped raining the whole day. I went for a walk and came home soaked. For the next couple of days the weather men have predicted storm, wind and rain, so sounds like good weather for staying home and crafting!

For Art Journal Journey I was once again inspired by Rosina Wachtmeister. Sorry, but I am just fascinated by these cats just now! The background of my A3 journal page has been made with brushos and a few spots of gold ink on water-colour paper. The 'sunshine' was added with yellow Pan pastels. I drew the cats with my stencils onto paper, cut them out and placed 'Father and Son' next to each other. They look like they are sitting in a garden full of flowers. The cats were painted with acrylics and felt pens. The sun was cut from self-adhesive paper. I think this should be the last of the cat pictures for now....

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

The water in the Rhine is quite high just now, so large parts of the shore are under water, and the plants and some trees are getting wet feet. The ducks seem to be enjoying it! Visibility was not good, the rain and mist swallowed up the view and the colours.

I often stand by the red and white pole to take my photos, but not today.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.