Sunday 24 August 2014

This and that for Monday

Hi everybody!

The weekend is over, let's see what the new week  brings!
It is also the last week of our Frida month, which has been a lot of fun for me, and I am enjoying seeing all the variations of Frida which other people have made, just fantastic!

Today I am sharing a Frida collage I made a couple of weeks back. The background was painted with acrylics. I used some of the images and scraps which I found on my work table, which in the meantime has actually been cleared and tidied. I used a photo of Frida as a child, cut out and surrounded by flowers and an owl. The quote is from Frida.  I finished it with washi tape, a scrap of lace and some doodling. I am linking to Art Journal Journey - Frida.

Today was very cloudy and rather windy, and I had fun watching the clouds changing, building up and scudding across the sky.

We are expecting lots of rain tomorrow, so I'm happy that the skies were blue today.
Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 23 August 2014

Frida, water birds and horses

Hi everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Thanks to all who asked how my check up went. I get the results of the laboratory tests next week, but all other scans and examinations were good, so I'm happy about that.

And once again I have a Frida piece to share, made similarly to the one I showed yesterday. I stamped onto hand-painted paper using the second stamp I got from EBAY, and once again made some cuts in the DP background and fitted the image into it. I added some more colour to some of the BG motives using water-colour pencils, and outlined them with a white highlighter. I distressed the page with pumice stone and worn lipsticks DIs, and added some more of my Euro shop washi tapes as embellishments. I am linking to AJJ, Frida.

This morning I was awake very early again, and it was quite chilly and rather grey when I went out for my walk. I was happy to see a heron sitting on a stone in the Rhine, at the same spot that the swan always favours, seems to be a good place for a bird's breakfast! 

Then I climbed up to the top of the castle ruins, I like being there when nobody else is around, and the view from the top is wonderful.

The stones of the broken arch here remind me of a craggy face profile, with bushy eyebrows, a hook nose, and an open mouth - can you see it, too?

And these are 2 of the resident ravens.

And my friends the horses were busy with their usual daily grazing:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 22 August 2014

Frida and sunrise

Hi everybody!

Another week has flown by, and Friday is almost over here - where did the day go? I was up very early this morning as I had to go to the doctor's for a big check up, and was rewarded with a wonderful sunrise. I stood on the balcony, watching the sun and the sky, and it was a great start to the day.

Today I am sharing another Frida journal page. In case some of you are getting tired of Frida fever, August will soon be over....
The Frida image has been stamped onto a piece of hand painted paper. I was lucky to get 2 lovely stamps from an EBAY auction, and have used one of them here.

The background is a sheet of DP. I cut into the paper along the pattern  at one side and slotted the image into it. I highlighted some of the printed images with a white highlighter, and embellished with a scrap of net, some lace and washi tape. I inked the edges with a mix of pumice and worn lipstick DIs.

I am linking to Art journal Journey, Frida, Paint Party Friday, and to Manon's Paper Saturdays.

These are the photos of the sunrise this morning. I am linking to Mifoc, where the challenge this week is 'mood'. A beautiful sky and sunrise does a lot to make me feel good and set me up for the day.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Funkie Frida, sunshine and rain-clouds

Hi everybody!

I can hardly believe it myself, but most of today was relatively warm and sunny, and I was able to enjoy 2 nice walks. But in the late afternoon it suddenly got dark and cloudy, and then it poured - but this time I was able to watch it from my balcony!

I have been thinking about how Frida would perhaps have been if she had lived today. Would she have got better medical treatment? Would we have seen her in talk-shows?  I am sure she would still have been such a glittering and extroverted personality, but how would she have dressed? I don't know, I just had some fun trying some modern costumes. I painted the background with acrylics, and textured it with a crackle stamp. The figures were cut out of magazine ads. I just used some washi tape for embellishing. This was just a fun attempt at something different...

I am linking to AJJ, Frida, and Simon Monday Challenge, anything goes, and to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin

I enjoyed walking along the Rhine by sunshine today:

I followed a little 'rabbit path' along the side of a turnip field, where several rabbits were enjoying themselves.

The horses were sheltering not from the rain, but from the sun today:

And then the rain came down:

Have a good day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!