Tuesday 29 July 2014

Flowers, birds and happy mail

Hi you all!

I think Germany has been moved to the tropics without us noticing. The weather is really hot and humid, and we keep getting really violent rain and hail storms - not so pleasant. We have had as much rain in a few days as we usually get in 2 months! I managed a dry walk this morning, through the fields and and along the Rhine, but this afternoon I just stayed home and watched the rain coming down!

I made this cardboard piece some weeks ago for a challenge, and it got 'lost' under the heaps on my table .... last week when I cleared up I found it again.
I used corrugated cardboard, partly peeled, painted white, and then used a napkin for the summer flowers, as it reminded me very much of the meadows here. 
I am linking to AJJ, flower power and Moo Mania and More, texture

This beautiful card arrived in my post box today, from Ulrike.
She saw an old letter on my blog last week, and asked if she could have a copy to make a brush. I mailed it to her, and she made this wonderful card, with flowers, butterfly, and the white script. Thanks Ulrike, it is a treasure!

The meadows are flourishing with the warm and wet weather.

This is the field where I watched the farmer bailing the hay at the weekend - he evidently finished the job really neatly!

These 2 are rather grainy as I had to zoom a lot - can you see that long necked bird on the field? It  looks like a heron.

And these ducks and the swan were enjoying their morning swim!

Have a great day whatever you are up to, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 28 July 2014

Tag Tuesday

Hi everybody!

We had strange weather here again - this morning it was hot and humid, and this afternoon thunder, storm and torrential rain and hailstones, a real contrast programme again. I went for a nice bike ride along the Rhine this morning, this time in the other direction, so I got to see the white cows but no sheep. And in the afternoon I just got home from my walk when  the storm started, that was good timing.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is Statues. We do have some nice statues around here, but I decided to do something like a prehistoric statue, and chose the menhir (standing stone) which stands at the corner of our road. It was erected about 2000 BC, and is 1,70 meters. There are scratches and marks on it which may date back to the middle ages, when it was custom to lead condemned prisoners past the stone, and bang their heads against it.... The residents here were scared of this heathen stone, and the Church of St George was built nearby to protect against the bad vibes. The Church was unfortunately destroyed back in 1649.I often wonder what stories the stone could tell if it could speak....

I made a very simple tag using a photo, matted onto green card and some floral card to make it look more cheerful, and added a textile flower to soften it.

Here is the original photo, can you see the face on the stone?

Here is a close-up - I am sure there is a face looking at me:

Okay, back to normal - a few photos from today:

The cows stayed under the trees in the shadow:

The Rhine was fascinating - for me - as always:

This is the old pump house from 1773 on the tow-path:

This container ship was chugging slowly along the Rhine, and travelling at the same speed as I was riding my bike:

The motor-boat was so quick it was almost out of the picture before I could press the button:

And the horses were taking things easy in the heat:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 27 July 2014

Street Art Journaling

Hi everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend and been able to do lots of things you like!
Today started off again cool and misty, but turned hot and humid by the time I was ready to go out.

Yesterday I discovered the chalk drawing on the paving stones in front of the west door of the basilica. I don't know who made it, but whoever it was poured out his/her heart for God and the world to see:

The text at the right means, 'I don't know where to go. Where is my temple?'

The text in the middle: 'What do tears taste like?'

I found  it very moving, and perhaps this is a good way of journaling - to write things down for all to see, and let them be washed away by the next rain shower.

This is a very colourful time of year. The flowers are all in full bloom, and soe are even turning to seed:

There's enough for the crows and ravens to eat their fill:

The apples are ripening on the trees in the park:

The meadows behind the house are full of Queen Anne's lace:

The corn is already bigger than I am:

And I had fun watching the farmer bale the hay - the hay gets swept into the red contraption behind the tractor, then it opens up and a lovely, round bale drops out.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 26 July 2014

Friends, flowers and other things that make me happy.

Hi everyone!
Happy weekend to you all!

Today started out cool and misty, which gave us a few pleasant hours before it heated up again this afternoon.

I  made another journal page using stencils (a Banksy stencil from Stencilry.com). I am trying to find ways to hold my pens and brushes without using my thumb to give it a rest. It takes longer, but it is a possibility.
I used black acrylic paint, and have once again tried to keep to a reduced colour palette. This is simpler than most of my pages, but I like it.  I am linking to Art Journal Journey, flower power.

On my walk along the Rhine I saw these lovely flowers, which are growing everywhere there just now, and they are really large, almost as tall as I am.

The ducks were busy with their morning feather care:

The shore is covered with a jungle of flowers and plants:

 The bees were busy as always:

The mist was still cloaking the river:

And the swan was busy dipping for food:

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, with time to relax and time to be creative. Take care, have fun, and thanks a lot for coming by!