Friday 11 July 2014

This, that and feathers.

Hi you all!

I am pleased to say it hasn't rained yet today, but it is hot and very humid. Just the weather for doing nothing! We had thunder storms all night, but the lightning did look pretty. I went to the doctor yesterday, and still have to wear my cast for another week. It got taken off, but only for 5 minutes. Next week I will be getting a removable support, which hopefully will be a bit more comfortable and allow me a little more movement.

I have managed to finish a double spread in my journal. I painted the background and did the stenciling some time back. As I can't cut anything with scissors just now, I looked through my bit boxes for stuff already cut out, and found enough to paper several walls, so made a small selection for these pages. I put some strips of tissue tape onto the background first, and then glued on some fragments of old letters, before arranging the figures. I needed the most time for the sentiment, I had to hold the stencil with my right hand, and fill in the letters with my left, and have frequent breaks in between - but I did it! 

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Kristin and Eva.

At Soartful challenges the ladies want to see feathers and bright colours - get your shades ready! I scanned some duck-feathers I picked up a couple of weeks back in the park, and then had digital fun playing with them at Tuxpi.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by. 
I always appreciate your comments and support!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

summer of colour and happy mail.

Hi everybody!

Hope your weather is better than ours has been these past days - it has rained non-stop, and I now have no more dry shoes to wear, so am hoping it will be better tomorrow.

The colours for SOC this week did not make me feel happy either, but I am sure it is sometimes good to use colours we don't like so much.
I used another of the nudes drawn in 1995, a small pencil sketch that never got finished. I scanned it, changed the line colour to blue and printed it onto a dictionary page (I still have at least 300 pages in that dictionary to use up!). I drew and coloured her using oil pastels in dark and light blue. I was rather stumped for using red, so decided to stick on some poppies I got gifted from Donna, ( a wonderful and VERY talented artist!) and I like the overall effect now that it is finished. I did it all with my left hand again, but am hoping very much that the plaster cast will be removed when I go back to the doctor tomorrow!

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, flower power, and Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

 This is the second piece using the SOC colours.  I used the same scan that I used a few weeks back, just with different colours. I made rather a mess with the stencil and red ink, but I tried!

I got a lovely surprise in the post today. My dear friend Chrissie sent me a gorgeous card she made for our colours of summer challenge at TIOT, and placed it in this beautifully decorated envelope. It evidently got wet, so looks rather smudged here, but it is still gorgeous!

And here is the wonderful card with felt flowers. Thanks Chrissie, you are so kind!

 Last but not least, I took photos of 2 of the windows in the Basilica here, as they fit very nicely to the SOC challenge this week too!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Double Tuesday again

Hi everybody!

Today it's time for new challenges at Tag Tuesday and Try it on Tuesday.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'Japan'. I was not able to make a new tag this week, tags are hard to make with the left hand. I have used a tag I made some time back, which has been restored, as it was looking rather tatty after languishing in a box for a long time. I glued some parts down again, inked the edges, and gave it a new background.

At Try it on Tuesday our theme is 'colours of summer'.
I had part of this done before I got 'plastered', so only had to add the pink edges, the rub-ons and the Stickles to the wings. The main image is from Gecko Galz, and is a single digi-stamp 'garden fantasy', which I printed out in A4 size onto some Prima DP. I intensified the colours of some of the leaves and flowers with oil pastels. The small white flowers have been doodled with a white highlighter, with which I also outlined the fairy and the mushrooms, and gave them some spots.
I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Flower power.

The evening skies yesterday:

And some photos taken along the Rhine. I can manage my camera quite well with my left hand if I use my plaster cast to support it.

These flowers were totally full of butterflies, which refused to stop fluttering for the photos!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!