Friday 29 November 2013

Angel House

Hi everybody!
Hope all of you in the States have survived Thanksgiving and Black Friday. They showed pictures on our news of the people queuing up at the stores and sometimes even fighting over things, looks scary!
Here it was a 'normal' Thursday and Friday, cool and grey and damp - good weather for crafting.
I have made a little angel house for Paper Saturdays. I glued 2 matchboxes behind a tag, and cut windows so that the matchbox drawers were visible. I gave them a coat of paint, and lined them with corrugated card and a scrap of gold netting. Then I added the vintag angel scraps and stars, and used gold liquid pearls to embellish it. Now I have another decoration.
I am also linking to Craftroom Challenge - vintage Christmas

I went for a walk, as always, and wandered through the misty landscape. I love the way the mist makes everything seem rather unreal, and dissolves the contours.

There were no passengers waiting to use the ferry.

It looks like this horse has too many legs....

The ducks were happy:

I enjoyed having the world just for me:

And the sheep were doing their jobs and keeping the grass short.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Thanksgiving from the turkey's point of view....

Hi everybody!
First of all I would like to wish all friends in the United States a very happy Thanksgiving Day.

Here I am re-showing a Thanksgiving piece I painted a couple of years back,
showing the turkey's point of view:

This week I have spent a lot of time walking around, I am trying to get in as much as I can in case the weather gets bad! But it does me good to be out. I also made a start on the dreaded Christmas cards - but just a start as I can't seem to set my mind to it this time. And I finished off some more journal pages started 3 years back. The background has been painted, sprayed and then collaged with pieces of a paper napkin.  I then added more colour with pastels, and doodled round some of the figures, and just had fun being crazy. I added highlights with gel pens, Stickles and a white pen, and used a stencil for the text.  But I am glad I am able to get things finished, even if it has taken a long time....

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.
Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

A Day in the Life....

Hi everybody!
Yesterday started off again with a wonderful sunrise, which encouraged me to get out and about early to make the most of the very cold but sunny weather. I walked for good 10 miles in all, and rewarded myself with a delicious roll from the baker's, to give me enough strength to cut the veggies for a delicious soup I made in the afternoon.

I walked through the sculpture park by the old villa I showed recently, through the trees and out into the fields between there and the Rhine damn. 

I was looking for an old building that someone had told me about, evidently going back for many hundreds of years, and after walking through lots of fields I dscovered it:

It is still a farm of some sorts. I would have liked to look inside the courtyard, too - perhaps I will try next time.

And then I just walked along the Rhine Damn, enjoying the play of light and shadows, clouds and blue skies.

I seem to have photographed my own shadow again here:

There were hundreds of gulls down at the river, evidently also enjoyin the good weather.

And in the late afternoon I managed some quick Christmas cards using papers from Graphics 45:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Mixed bag for Tuesday

Hi everybody!
Hope you are all fit and well. It's really cold here just now, but there was no snow up till now, so that's something!
Before I show my tag Tuesday tag, I would like to remind you that my dear friend Donna has a wonderful blog candy running until the 29th. This is such a GIANT candy, that it really is worth going over to have a look here.Donna is a great artist, and her blog is always worth taking a look!

It's Tag Tuesday again today, and our theme is black and white. I didn't have any good ideas for this one, so I am happy that I managed to get something done in the end. Sorry about the bad photos, it was so dark all day I couldn't get them any better.

But I played with some more matchboxes and made 2 more little decorations:

And this little chap followed me along the towpath yesterday- I don't know why, and I didn't have any food in my pocket for him, but he was evidently hopeful. Every time I stopped, he did, too, and looked at me!

And in the end, he hopped into the water and swam off.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 25 November 2013

Monday, Monday....

Hi everybody!
Just a quick post today, been having problems with my computer und want to get this done before it collapses again!
First, some pictures from this morning, at sunrise:

I have had another try at the FSC shabby chic challenge, I'm not sure this one is the right style either, but I like it! The owl is a LaBlanche stamp which was been stamped with archival black, embossed, and then brushed with some perfect pearls in gold and blue to give some colours to the feathers. I fussy cut it, and then mounted him on a panel of corrugated card, which had been painted and glittered. I cut away the branch he was originally sitting on, and gave him a festive one, to fit to his hat.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!