Thursday 23 May 2013

Make new from old

Hi you all! Greetings from freezing cold Rhineland, I never expected it to be like this at the end of May, so I have been crafting to keep myself warm - better than going out at the moment!
It's time for Paint Party Friday again, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

I have been busy painting a little spice-rack, which I found some months back in the paper recycling bin - where it shouldn't have been, as it's made of wood!  But anyway, thanks to whoever threw it in there! I painted it black, then gave it a coat of crackle varnish before painting again with white with a touch of green in it, and it developed lovely, big cracks! It wasn't quite green enough, so I distressed it with various shades of green DI.
Then the fun work began. I stamped some paper with flower motives from Crafty Individuals, using a little less ink than usual to give a faded look. I painted the flowers with a water brush and DIs in shabby shutters and crushed olive. I wanted it to look like old-fashioned wallpaper. I used various stamps to decorate the edges and the sides, using Archival Olive. Then I looked for scraps, bits and bobs and small creations to fill the shelves and decorate them. The rack is 9x7".

A view of the side panel showing the stamped script

The front edge stamped with a tiny flower motive

Crackle varnish on the watering can

One of my mini books and a tin

A heart from crafty emblies, painted, distressed and crackled for another project, and then not used, fitted here perfectly. The flower was on a present I got.

A little jar which held a free-sample of jam was pressed into action. The lid has been painted and then stamped, and the jar filled with little beads etc.
(The green thumb is not part of the decoration!)

A ribbon flower fitted perfectly on the top of the lid

A little die cut bird keeping an eye on things, and a vintage lace trim

The cameo has been mounted onto a bottle cap, which I painted black and distressed with distress EP

I really had fun altering this piece, and it will look good on my kitchen shelf (when I have tidied up a bit!)

I am linking to Fashionable Stamping Challenges (alter it)
Sugar Creek - use scraps and what you have (rack, background paper, glass jar,  mini-books etc)
Simon Says Stamp and show - use your favourite ink (Archival and green)
Pan Pastels - new beginning (for an old spice rack)

Have a great weekend, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Flowers for Artful Times

Hi you all! It's time for me to post my challenge for Artful Times,  before the two weeks are up! The ladies have set the theme, 'Bloomin lovely'.
I have made 2 cards. The face in the first one has been drawn, she has flowers and butterflies instead of hair. I couldn't make up my mind whether to colour the face or not, I wanted it to be a contrast to the flowers. The flowers and butterflies have been punched with X-cut 3D punches.

For the second card I have used 3 different stamps from LaBlanche - the face, the flowers and the bee. Some parts have been stamped twice, cut out, and raised with foam squares. I masked some parts while stamping to get all the bits in the right places.

So, that's enough. I'll be back tomorrow evening with my post for Paint Party Friday.
Till then, take care, have fun and thanks a lot for coming by!

Alpha Challenge 'K' and Happy Mail

Hi you all!
I spent a lot of time perusing the dictionary to find a 'K' word that I liked, and then decided to look in the German Dictionary, as in German there are a lot more 'K' words than in English. So I chose the word 'Köln' - better known in the English speaking parts of the world as Cologne.
Now this is a strange choice of word for someone who lives in Düsseldorf, as the two towns have not always been the best of friends over the past 1000 years or so, to put it mildly. There were even real wars between their armies, but these days it is more like a friendly rivalry. One of the causes for the discussion these days is the beer. (Although that was not why they went to war with each other!) In Düsseldorf people drink 'Alt-Bier', and in Köln they drink Kölsch.



 And each town says that the beer from the other town tastes like 'Pferde Pisse'. (No, I'm not going to translate it, it's rude! Use your imagination!) I don't really like beer at all, but if I had to choose one, I would probably opt for Kölsch - but don't let anyone in Düsseldorf  hear that! 
The next point is that both towns believe that their Karneval (carnival) is the biggest and best. Of course, the people of Köln are wrong! During the mad days of Carnival, the 'war-cry' here in Düsseldorf is 'Helau' and in Köln it's 'Alaaf'. And after consuming large quantities of alcohol, neither side knows the difference any more.
Another thing Köln is famous for is 'Kölnisch wasser' - Eau de Cologne. The oldest manufacture in the town is from Farina, but the other brand, 4711, is better known in the world, although these perfumes are not my taste either!

(Beer and cologne images courtesy of Wikipedia)

Yes, well, I seem to have digressed a little, but I wanted you to understand what I put in the 'word-clouds'.
The silhouette of Köln has been pasted over a dictionary page, coloured with prismalos. The definitions are taken from Webster's Thesaurus.

The beautiful Cathedral (Kathedrale in German, another K, but also called a 'Dom'!)

Linking to the Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn.

And I got a lovely parcel from Jeanie in England, with loads of goodies for me to play with! Thanks a lot, and it will all be put to good use!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

On the wild side

Hi you all! The lovely weather has left us, and we are once again back to dismal grey, cold and rainy days! 

Today is the begin of a new challenge over at Try It On Tuesday, with the theme of 'On the Wild Side'.  The challenges are all 'anything goes', so as long as you stick to the theme to use birds or animals, you can make whatever you want. There is plenty of time for your entry, as the challenges all run 2 weeks.

I made a card, with a very wild looking ocelot, who looks like she has a long party night behind her!  It is an easel card.

The stopper is made of a little envelope, which would hide a voucher or some money, and the small card on top can be opened to write a greeting.

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 19 May 2013

Warhol-Eyezing, More Mini Books and Happy Mail

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying the weekend. I don't want to say it too loudly, but we had sunshine all day and it was warm today. It felt like Spring! But - from tomorrow on will be wet, windy and really cold again. We just have to take it as it is!
The challenge at OOAH this week is eyes. I made some photos of my eyes a few weeks back, which I then drew, coloured and digitally altered, as I did the photos. Here I have taken my drawings and changed the colours.  I printed out small thumbnails, and cut them with an inchie cutter. Sorry about the poor quality of the printing, my HP printer is not doing a good job. I glued them onto scrap card  and made them into bookmarks.

It was a fun experiment, which I will repeat when I have a decent printer.

And I made 2 more mini books with pockets for tags or little pictures. They are really mini - the larger one is 2x1/2" and the smaller one 1 1/2" square. They can each be made from a 6" piece of DS paper.

Each book has 2 tiny tags, stamped on one side with a heart and with 'for you' on the other (stamps from stamping up)

And now for the star of today's show - a wonderful mini-book from Yvonne that arrived in the mail and caused very loud screams of delight, which caused my neighbour to ring and ask if all was well.... Yes, it was more than well! Just sit back and enjoy the beautiful photos, and look at the gorgeous papers, lace, ribbons, pictures, stamping and embossing - and it's MINE!!!! Thanks a lot Yvonne, it will be treasured!

I think that's enough for today. Take care, have fun and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Mr Umbrella Man on Safari

Hi you all! It's still cold and frosty here in Germany, but at least the sun was shining today, and that makes a big difference!
At Simon Says Stamp and Show the challenge this week is to use small sheets of paper. I have several pads in this size, which I like to use for cards and albums. The papers I have used today are all from LaBlanche, as are the rub-ons and the leopard stamp. I do not know who made the animal print stamps.
The albums are both 6x6", and have about 50 pages in them, and have been put together with D-rings.
I used cardboard from old paper pads sandwiched between the DPs to make the covers.

Here the paper has been stamped with animal prints in both corners, and with the leopard stamp. The alphas have been sponged through a stencil. Mr Umbrella man is wearing a safari suit.

The inside cover has been sponged with alphas and Mr U.M. using shabby shutters DI and the die-cut waste.  (The 'wastes' make the most wonderful FREE stencils!) The tiger and giraffes are rub-ons.

The inside of the back cover has been worked in the same way, Mr U:M. is still lurking around. The large alpha is from TH's Salvage Stickers.

The back cover

The second album has been made in the same way. I used more embellishments on the front cover here.

Here I have added some random stamping, and 'Dream'. Mr U.M. is everywhere, as are the wild animals....

The inside back cover has been reserved for the elephants. Mr U.M. is still lurking....

And the king of the jungle is guarding the back cover. I think the 'L' is for Lion.

This was a fun project, I am in a mini-book phase just now.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!